"Freddie's probably being gay somewhere, Fern is probably locked up in a closet, and Fran's probably bouncing off of the walls," Charlie replied dryly.
Zackary rolled his eyes. "No, they're off trying to control the crowds of people destroying stuff."
"Same thing," Charlie grunted.
"Oh well i'm glad you're here..even if I don't really remember you."
Charlie smiled warmly down at her. "I'm glad I'm here too. It's really great to see you again."
(Okay soooo let's just time skip until she goes to go see Zackary again)
(OK what should happen??)
(what do you mean? Like she goes back to M's dimension and i guess they are kinda distant, then a couple days later she wants to know how the Cameron and Xanthe thing is going.)
(oh ok)
North glanced back at the mansion before she looked down into the fountain, appearing in the clearing.
It was a little dark, despite it being the day at M's place. Zackary, like many times before, wasn't present in the clearing.
North sighed and stood quietly, waiting for Zackary
The fun noise of swoosh, swoosh told North of Zackary's approach. He landed and his black wings disappeared.
"What's up?" He sounded happier than usual.
(fwoosh fwoosh)
"Just checking in. Why so happy?"
"I've done it." He said with a beaming smile (aaah so cute when he smiles), showing his white, unnaturally pointy teeth.
"Really?!" North exclaimed, smiling widely.
"Yeah." His wings sprung out of his back with a gentle pop; they were quivering gently. "C'mon. They're still asleep but they have been for a few days." He turned around so his wings were facing her. "Grab on. Like you would for a piggyback ride."
North climbed onto Zackary and held on tightly.
With a fwoosh that was very loud on his back, he launched up to the sky. Their hair went flying out of their faces and a wonderful breeze swept over them. Zackary straightened up, his wings flapping gently on either side, looking around.
"Ah." He started flying to the northwest, towards the mountains. Soon, thanks to Zackary's speed, they arrived at a little cottage, that on the outside, seemed beaten up and old. He opened the front door and held it open for North. As she walked in, the pleasant A/C fluttered over her. The lights were on and bright, the living room (which led from the front door) was nice and homey.
"Zackary?" A male's voice spoke from the kitchen.
"Yeah, it's me. I've brought North."
(My friend wanted me to add more gay couples. i like gay couples so i did so. hope you don't mind ^`^)
North followed Zackary into the kitchen.
Zackary quietly shut the kitchen door and grinned awkwardly. "Hi Ari."
Ari was a tall man of about 6'1 and was quite muscular. He had long dark blond hair and sparkling reddish eyes.
"You are just in time for dinner." He said with a tone of menacing chipperness.
"I- I am not ready for dinner." Zackary didn't seem like the type to stutter, but there it was. Apparently, something about Ari made Zackary feel really nervous. Wonder what it was.
North smirked up at Zackary.
Zackary glared at her. "Anyway, we'll be back up. I'm just going to go check on Xanthe and Cameron."
Ari glared at him briefly. "You'd better be back up. Or I'll drag you back up from there an-"
"AND dowwn we go!" Zackary interrupted his husband and opened the door to the basement.
North laughed a little and followed Zackary down the stairs.
Zackary led her down the steps into the cool basement. There was nothing too extraordinary, let alone two sleeping people. Zackary turned to a bit of wall and waved his hands while murmuring weird incantations. Suddenly, a lavish door appeared. Zackary opened it and inside was a spacious office, and cool bookshelves of orbs, viles, creatures squeaking in cages, and other cool artifacts that glowed and flickered in the darkness of Zackary's office.
"They're just through here." He led her through a smaller door, which opened up to a small bedroom with two beds and medical equipment. In the darkness, North could hardly see her parents.
"Their still asleep then.." She said quietly.