forum meat, and bone, and blood // oxo // closed // romance rp
Started by @michael_rainer_eats_uranium group

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@michael_rainer_eats_uranium group

Charlie began to walk, trying to avoid the deeper puddles. He wasn’t a huge fan of water, and didn’t want to get his feet wet. He did like the smell of the wet ground, though. He smiled a little.
…..maybe he’ll stay….maybe he won’t….leave…….like Dad did…….
Charlie’s smile faded. His hands started shaking a little. It had been years, but the grief was still fresh in his mind. He walked faster.

@The-Dyonisia group

Bustop was entirely oblivious to how Charlie felt. He was pretty emotionally idiotic "You cold?" he asked, raising and eyebrow "You can have your jacket back, if you want" He offered the jacket, which was dry. He had taken it off before getting wet. He smiled softly at Charlie "I don't really need it. I can take extreme weather."

@The-Dyonisia group

Bustop looked at him again and turned his head in confusion "You okay? You look like you're still cold…" he asked obliviously. "Do you need something else?" He hopped on his toes "Oh! I know what would help! A hug!" He approached Charlie "Would you like one?"

@The-Dyonisia group

Bustop came in for a bear hug and lifted Charlie up an inch above the ground, with surprisingly minimal effort. He was very light for his height. He hugged for a while, putting Charlie down before letting go. "How was that?" he asked, his tone hopeful.

@The-Dyonisia group

Butsop smiled "No problem dude, we're friends now." He stopped "I mean, unless you don't want to be, in which case this would be a strictly professional relationship" he said flustered, gesturing wildly

@The-Dyonisia group

" Friends it is!" Bustop said smiling. This time, he only pretended to be oblivious. He heard Charlie's comment, but he elected to make the least of it, shaking off a blush. "Best friends. And we're gonna travel the WORLD together" he added, spinning in place.

@michael_rainer_eats_uranium group

Charlie tried to ignore the pang of hurt in his chest when he called him that.
We’re just friends. It’s fine, Charlie, he’s a friend….
He kept walking.

After a few hours, the pair came across a small ruined town. A sign said something like M__g_n_ow_, but it was very hard to read, as it was very scratched and faded. A big stadium sat on a nearby hill, and the town below was mostly gone, but a few buildings remained.

@The-Dyonisia group

Bustop's eyes went wide "Woah" he whispered in awe, taking it all in. His eyes darted from place to place, trying to consume all the sights through his eyes, searing them into his memory "I've NEVER been HERE" he yelled this time, as he grabbed onto Charlie's hand, entwining their fingers "Let's go check it out!" he demanded excitedly, forcefully pulling Charlie into the demolished town.

@michael_rainer_eats_uranium group

“It’s a stadium! Humans used to play games in those. A lot of humans would go to the stadium and watch people play. Apparently, the games were a pretty big deal. I keep finding things about it. It was called ‘football’.”
He followed him into the town, dodging ruins so he wouldn’t trip.

@The-Dyonisia group

"Oh! Oh! That's where I saw it! I saw it on a magazine one time!" he thought to himself, trying to remember what he saw "It was full of really hot guys holding a weird egg shaped thing"

@The-Dyonisia group

"I like being on top of people" Bustop repeated still oblivious "It makes for a good strategy in a lot of things, including this game apparently" he turned to Charlie, noticing the blush "You good man?"