Only the thing was, the path on the other side disappeared after that, the trees becoming more dense and the path was gone entirely. Dorian had never intended to jump.
Only the thing was, the path on the other side disappeared after that, the trees becoming more dense and the path was gone entirely. Dorian had never intended to jump.
Fiona's jaw tightened when she realized but she was too far into this to turn back. She just kept going, knowing she'd find her way eventually.
Dorian headed along the path, making sure to take all the short cuts he knew. It wasn't long before he reached the tree.
She knew for sure she'd get lost and have to turn back but her stubbornness would outlive her. She just kept moving, not entirely sure where she was going.
The trees levelled out eventually, showing a field that spanned for a while before the tree and Dorians silhouette could be seen.
She sighed in relief when she got through the trees and saw him, she had been starting to get worried. But she kept moving towards the tree.
Dorian trotted back and forth in place until he spotted her. When he did he sighed and smiled.
She finally made her way up to him, smiling a little.
"I was beginning to think I lost you." Dorian said with a smile.
"Beginning to? I was perfectly confident in the idea that I had already gotten lost and I would spend the rest of my days in those woods."
Dorian chuckled, "I would have come and found you if you hadn't shown up in another five minutes. But you're here so it's fine, dear."
"Still got hopelessly lost though."
"You're not lost if you're here. You found the right path eventually."
"No I just picked a random direction and hoped to God that I was right."
Dorian trotted up next to her, "Anything I can do to make it up to you?"
"Hmm, I think a kiss will be a good enough apology."
He smiled and chuckled, “As you wish.” He mumbled, pressing his lips softly against hers.
She melted into his lips, kissing him back with a small smile.
He smiled back, resting one hand on her cheek.
She was slightly worried that she was fall off from leaning over like this but she trusted that Dorian wouldn't let that happen.
Dorian pulled away a moment later, not before pressing a kiss to Fiona’s nose.
"So. What now?" She brushed her hair out of her face, smiling softly.
"Well we can head back or head into the nearest town?" He shrugged.
"Oh, I'd love to go into town. I haven't been in town in so long, I'd love to see what it's been like."
"Sounds like a plan. Come on then." Dorian smiled, heading out across the field.
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