forum loneliness and longevity (o/o)
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people_alt 56 followers

Deleted user

Immortality came with a cost. Dorian Gray knew as much. You'd lose everything you'd ever cared about, and after all that, have to run away from what you might come to care for. But meeting other immortals satiated the need for connection a little bit. He eventually came to think of them as family, came to love them. Then it was all ripped away from him.

Your character is a scientist working at a sketchy government organization that has just taken in four immortals. They usually take in the weird ones, but this is beyond anything they've ever seen. When their apartment is broken into by a mysterious man trying to find information on these immortals, who won't tell you why but does have a gun and could probably use it to kill you if needed, your character cautiously goes along with it all in order to keep themself alive.

Okay so yeah it's a found family buddy comedy featuring classic literature characters. No info on the classics is needed for this one, you'll just be playing the scientist and whatever. But yeah have fun and let's gooooo!