forum Living alone together (o/o with Emmrii)
Started by @JustALostM book

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“Pssh, fine. But if you try anything weird, I have a weapon, and I’m not afraid to use it.”

Andy was likely too drunk to fight off an attacker, but even so, she didn’t have much of a choice. This guy seemed pretty genuine, and if she didn’t stay with him, she would have no where else to go. After all, she didn’t have a car, and her house was at least a half an hour away. So, with no other choice, she stumbled into his home and collapsed on his sofa.

“And as for where I live, I don’t think it’s any of your business,” she said, closing her eyes. “All I’m gonna tell you is that it’s pretty far from here. A decent walk.”

@JustALostM book

Lincoln smiled at Andy. She was so mellow at the moment that even when she threatened him, he didn't take it to seriously. He knew how it was to be drunk. Fun… Until it the next day and you have the worst hangover you could ever have.

"Enjoy the couch. I'll grab a mattress from one of the other rooms. Oh! Before I forget." Lincoln quickly walked up to the door and pushed it close. It made a loud noise which startled him. "AhH." Lincoln yelled, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat in embarrassment and Moved a large rock to the door.

"If you hear yelling outside in middle of the night, Dont open the door. Unless you want us both killed that is. All up to you." Lincoln said sarcastically with a thumbs up. "One more thing, Dont puke on the sofa please. Try to get to the nearest window. Please."


Andy rested her head against the arm rest of the sofa before she glanced over at Lincoln. This man confused her, to say the least. He seemed like he was actually trying to be friendly towards her; a rare thing in their apocalyptic world. But why? What were his motives.

“Fine, fine. I won’t puke on your sofa.” She let out a weak laugh. “Let’s just hope I don’t puke at all.”

She watched Lincoln drag out the mattress before she wrapped a blanket around herself. Part of her wanted to go to sleep and save her questions for the morning, but she knew that she wouldn’t be able to get any shut eye without answers.

“So… why exactly are you helping me?” She turned towards him. “Is it because of something you want?”

@JustALostM book

"Motives." That word bounced around in his head while he covered himself with a blanket and turned around to face the wall. Lincoln sighed. "I have no motives. I just like to help people out in times of need. I mean, All I do is travel around, place to place, not knowing where to go. I just need a place to settle down for a bit. It's not fun when all you do is travel and travel… Ah sorry. Went of a little there." Lincoln turned to lay on his back. He looked up at the ceiling, thinking to himself. Hopefully she'll forget all that tomorrow. Don't know why I went off like that.. Lincoln thought.

"Alright. Have a good night, we can talk tomorrow if ya want." Lincoln Mumbled, already drifting off to sleep


(( Oh crap… I just realized that I accidentally switched my characters in the middle of the rp from Kendra to Andromeda. 🤣🤣 I use Andromeda a lot, so it was bound to happen. ))

No motives? Andy scoffed at the idea. In this part of their world, no one ever helped others out without a reason; even the nicest people always wanted something in return for their good deeds. Andy had never met someone quite like Lincoln, but she was still suspicious of him. However, despite this suspicion, Andy did manage to eventually fall asleep.

In the morning, Andy didn’t wake up until around noon, and when she did, she quickly discovered that her head was now pounding. Great. A hangover. How fun. Slowly, she managed to set herself up and look around for Lincoln.

@JustALostM book

Early Morning:
Lincoln woke up early in the morning. He had nothing to so he quickly and quietly cleaned up his bed. He decided to go out and try to scavenge what ever he could find to be useful to him. Hopefully food. Though occupied, he couldn't stop thinking of what had happened the night before. If she remembered, She'll ask. I'm sure she probably didn't forget so I better not get my hopes up. Lincoln shook his head.
Lincoln walked in with a smile. "G'mornin stow away! How was the sleep?" Lincoln asked, Getting a bottled water out of his bag. "Im not sure but when I get a hangover I usually just try to lay it low, not do anything stupid, you know? Here have some water, usually helps me when my head hurts." He placed the water bottle by the sofa. "I don't have much food to give but lets see, Beans, Some Milk, thats some how still not spoiled and…Oh. what's this?" Lincoln saw a note attached to a rock that was near a window. He quietly read it and Lincoln gave an annoyed, but concerned face. He shoved the note in his pocket and continued on with trying to go through his food.
(I think Ima head out for the night! If anything I could probably get one more before I got to go.)


“Uh… thanks.” She set the water aside, not interested in drinking it. She was still suspicious of this man, after all, and he could’ve easily slipped something into it. “And don’t worry, I’ll try not to do anything stupid, even if it is tempting.”

Andy watched Lincoln for a few moments, and she raised her eyebrow when he found the rock near his window. “What’s the note say?”

@JustALostM book

Lincoln cleared his throat. The note read, Don't be a fool Link. All you do is run but running gets you no where. We're coming. Watch your back. Lincoln knew what this meant. If he didn't act quick, not just he would be in danger but Andy as well. He would Have to get rid of her for her sake.
"Oh nothing." Lincoln said, putting the note in his pocket and throwing the rock to the side. "I just put a note on the counter a few days back to make a map of this place. Ya never know when I'll be back." And It'll probably be never if Simon gets here Lincoln thought.
Crap… She has a hangover. How do I get rid of her!? Lincoln sighed.


Andy immediately picked up on Lincoln’s strange demeanor, but she didn’t want to let him know that she realized something was wrong. What was this note exactly? If it was simply a map, why had he seemed so unnerved when he picked it up.

“Mind if I have a look?”