forum Literally want a rp to put my character through it

people_alt 93 followers

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Name: Leo
-Age: 19
-Gender: Male
-Sexuality: Pansexual
-Hair: Golden-brown, wavy, and down to his shoulders
-Eyes: Light green
-Skin: Light brown
-Body: 5'6" and is lithe. He has freckles across his cheekbones. He has a small build but is fit in the arms due to gardening.
-Likes: Gardening, annoying his older sister, music, and being cheerful
-Dislikes: Anything that brings him or others down
-Personality traits: Is friendly and usually cheerful. Tends to take a positive outlook on life and doesn't like it when people are killing his vibe. Leo spends most of his time outdoors.


Well… I have several characters. I have one constant character though. He lives in the void. If I explained him, you'd consider him pretty much the character with Looney Tunes logic.