forum Lasertag lovers oxo (OPEN! NEED SOMEONE PREFERABLY M/OC)
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

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(How 'bout we toss them in a car together first? And start there?)

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(No I meant like they know each other already but are in, like, a cab or something lol)

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(They met in improv class maybe idfk XD as for how well they know each other, well enough to have fallen in love)

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

(Lol I need background details to work on a good starter, so let's just say they happen to have precalculius together in college and have gotten to know each other from that class, they are pretty good friends at this point and he has seen all the doggy photos. They decided to go laser tagging.)

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Rachel and Julius sitting in the cab that Julius had called while waiting. They had decided to go play laser tag, but neither of them really wanted to drive there so now they are sitting awkwardly in this cab because both of them had been silent for the first few minutes.
Rachel was staring out the window and had her face resting in a neutral expression.

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Julius tilts his head after a few moments, then smiles, nudging Rachel with an elbow.

"Oi, brighten up a little. We me be doing laser tag, but it ain't like we'll be in front of a firing squad." he teases.

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"I am a master of laser tag, I'd love to see you try!" he teases.

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(Sorry had to take an unannounced hiatus)

"Sure." he drawls, the word a challenge and a joke.

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"We will, I suppose." he chuckles, turning to look out the window.