This seems lame now that I'm typing it out, but maybe a big storm hits the town the two characters are in and they meet at the shelter. They quickly become friends for the two or three days, but when they finally leave, they discover one of their houses was leveled. The one with the intact house offers to take them in, and they hit it off from there
This sounds fun! Still happening?
Mayest I join with a female character?
(Alright, but also, what rating is this? Because I'm fine with pm friskiness)
(PG-13 at most, I'm not one for those types of roleplays)
(Alright! I'll get my girl)
(Do you want me to start?)
Name: Sofia Alrenger
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hair: Deep brown hair that waves softly down her back/medium length/a few highlights here or there but they come and go with the seasons/ she's dyed her hair navy blue before and is still growing it out so the tips of her hair and a very deep navy blue(her hair keeps colour very well)/ soft and strong/// Her eyelashes/brows are thick and long. It takes some upkeep for her eyebrows but her eyelashes are gorgeous and she almost never wears makeup.
Eyes: Her eyes are an icy blue but change to a much softer ocean blue when in contact with direct sunlight. A few grey specks here and there as well.
Skin: Her skin is pretty pale but she tans slightly in the summer. She tends to wear a lot of sunscreens though so her skin is basically mole and freckle-free except for a spray of tan freckles on her cheeks and T-zone of her face/ Her skin is very soft overall except that it gets quite dry when she hasn't been hydrating, her elbows get the worst so she tends to wear long sleeves in the winter.
Body: She is very slim but is still a healthy weight. She has curves but a very small bust, it seems like most of it went to her rump even though her legs are very skinny as well. She works out often so she keeps in good shape/ She has a scar on her abdomen from an appendectomy and a small one near her left breast because she had a murmur when she was a kid and needed surgery to repair it.
Other: she is 5'6" and 97lbs. She is self-conscious about her hight even though she's shorter than most of the people in her classes.
Attire: or
Personality: I'm just gonna give a small sample blip
She slipped out of the clothes she had been wearing that day, her scrubs left at the hospital. She whined softly as she placed her hand over her face, taking in her rooms brisk air. She was sure as hell glad to be home.
Or this:
She twirled the ice in her cup, the water shifting in and out of the little cubes of frozen water. She sighed happily. She had just performed her first appi in her surgical existence. She was proud, but even more proud she got to do it on her birthday. Her friends would soon be here and she was excited to have a small group of company.
If you couldn't tell yet she's normally quite the outsider but when a person shows that she can trust them she will depend on them until the end of time. She doesn't form bonds well but when she does it's almost never broken. She tends to take it slowly in relationships unless it's the odd hookup every now and then. ISFJ and very kind and helping. Down to earth and easy to talk to. A Good Listener.
Physical: Like mentioned her chronic dry skin in the winter. She also thinks her scars are pretty weird, but she hates the stretch marks on her thighs that curl around to her rump.
Mental: She takes most jokes well but the ones about suicide or the LGBT community (like an ex: someone using gay as an insult) she will not take and will either ignore the person entirely for about the span of a month or yell at them, no matter where they are.
Talents: She did ballet when she was a kid and can still do it and she does take classes but doesn't want a full career in it. She loves music and she's pretty into the art type of girl (music, singing, writing and dance)
Eli sat on the edge of his sleeping bag, his legs crossed together like he was in kindergarten. It was an old thing that had been pounded into his head. You sit like this, and only like this. Anyway else made his knees cramp up and his thighs burn. So, that's how he sat, his hair barely obscuring his eyes and he hunched over his travel guitar. It was a tiny thing; a little less than half of the length and a fraction of the weight. It was more of a uke guitar, but a hell of a lot cheaper and probably a hell of a lot worse. However, he didn't care. He was happy with what he had and made no complaints. He fiddled with the tuners for a moment, tilting his head so his left ear pointed directly towards the strings. After a twist, he seemed pleased and began lightly playing a simple chord progression: E, F#, C, and G. It was nothing wild, but still sounded good. He began fiddling with the chord paters, putting in a 7th on the E, suspending the C, and all kinds of other tools to make it less repetitive and give the little tune more life.
Sofia smiled to herself when she heard him softly strumming a tune, her sleeping bag is only a few inches away from his at the moment. She brushed her hair out of her face as she sat up, most of it is kept up in a messily done ponytail. She didn't care at the moment, she was just sleeping of course. She sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder as he played the short and bittersweet tune. She had always loved music, but mostly all of it had been stripped away from her when they clambered into the bunker. She had enough time to grab her pointe shoes though, and there was enough room for her feet to still have hope for years to come in dancing and to stretch, even it the shoes were a week or two old and slightly faltered at the silk on the tips from having done so many turns on the hard yet smooth concrete floor of the bunker.
He jumped slightly when he felt her head on his shoulder, his fretting hand jerking slightly. It created a jumble of gross notes that made Eli cringe.
"Jesus, Sof," he exclaimed softly, "You scared the hell outta me."
His voice was a low tenor, the kind that could carry across the room without him even trying. It was such an odd thing; one would expect someone with such a powerful and leader-like tone to be bombastic and confident, but Eli was the exact opposite. Everything he said seemed to be choked out, as if each word was walking on eggshells with metal cleats on. He pushed his light brown hair from his face and to the left, revealing a pair of soft hazel eyes.
She laughed lightly at his sudden reaction. "Sorry" she purred, her voice raspy and tired. She hadn't slept in days for fret of another bomb or something like it. So, she had either been reading or something else like it. "Nice tune" she muttered, placing her head back on his shoulder once more.
"Ending left a little to be desired, but yeah." He frowned. "I lost my last pick yesterday."
He was, indeed, playing with his index finger's nail, still holding his hand as if a pick was in. He had held on to that pick for three whole days. Three. He glanced over to Sofia, still brooding over the little piece of plastic as he noticed the sleepy look on her face.
"Shit, I woke you up, didn't I?"
"No, I haven't been sleeping for the past three days" she replied, playing with his hair gently. She glanced up at him, smiling softly as he locked their gaze.
He blinked a few times, leaning his head into her hand with a soft smile before his brain processed what she had said. "Wait, what? Why not?"
"Nothing really" she replied, looking down at her lap as she played with the hem of her shirt.
"Well, it's gotta be somethin'. People don't just decide to not sleep." He set the guitar lightly on to his sleeping bag and turned to her fully.
"Just, frightened" she replied, not having a clue to whether or not her house was still standing or not. She watched him as his body shifted to her, her body shirting to his as well.
"'Bout what? The storm can't touch us down here." He rubbed his nose as he said all of this.