@Serpentess health_and_safety language
“Towels and washcloths are already in there on the rack. I’ll grab some clothes when I get the fresh bandages,”Jonathan said.
Considering the clothes she had on, Jonathan figured she hadn’t had any properly fitting clothes in ages, if ever. Having some of his clothes to change into wouldn’t help that. A thought came to mind then. He could make her some new clothes. He had some spare leather and cloth somewhere. He’d just have to dig. It also would take him a while to finish an outfit for her, especially with her size. But, it might help make her more comfortable.
He watched her carefully as she straightened. She was taking it slow, which was good, but Jonathan wondered if it was too soon for her to be moving around so much. Not moments later, his suspicions were confirmed when she fell. Fuck, he hated being right.
Jonathan rushed forward, stopping a couple feet away and in front of her. Thankfully her reflexes were still good, but her balance wasn’t. Would she even make it to the shower?
“Might I help you up? I can see if I’ve got a cane too if that would help. Or would you rather sit on the couch for a minute, to steady your legs? You were just stabbed, lass, and not in a minor way,”he asked, crouching and holding out his hand toward her.
He didn’t move any closer, but considering how long her arms were, he was probably in reach. It was a tad risky, particularly if she still wanted to be hostile, but he wasn’t moving until he got a ‘yes’ or ‘no’.