forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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It's wasn't much longer until they were called to board and Jackson had to drag Logan onto the plane. When he was sure they were both settled into their seats, he sighed quietly before turning to Logan. "You ready to hear where we're going? Or do I still need to give you time to wake up?"


Logan followed Jackson to board the plane and soon settled into his seat. He had already pulled out his neck pillow and blanket from his carry on before he looked over at Jackson and nodded with a smile. He favored resting his head against his husband's shoulder instead of using the pillow, deciding tonhug it instead. "I've been ready for ages now dear."


Jackson leaned in close, like he was about to share some great secret. He couldn't help but chuckle, it must look so childish. "Florence. I'm taking you to southern Italy. I love you, bean."


Logan laughed softly when Jckson leaned in. His eyes widened a moment later as Jackson revealed the secret he had been keeping about their honeymoon. "Florence? Really! We're to Italy?" Logan didn't want to make a scene on the plane but he was just so excited, and now very much awake. He gently cupped Jackson's cheek in his hand and gave him a long kiss. "I love you to, my angel."


Jackson nodded with a smile. "Happy honeymoon, bean. I told you I picked somewhere I knew you would like. Italy is a very pretty country, especially the southern portion with all the open land. So you'll have lots of photo opportunities."


"darling, I'd love anywhere you'd take me but this is beyond what I ever imagined." Logan curled up in his seat as much as he could while being buckled in and faced Jackson. "It sounds amazing love. I still can't believe we get to go and see it all in person in a few hours." He glanced out the window as the plane started to move. He was never one for planes so he laced his hand with Jackson's and closed his eyes. "I'm still awake," he reassured, flinching as the plane started to ascend


Jackson noticed his nerves and pulled Logan in close, pressing their foreheads together. "Look at me, darling. Focus on me right now. I've got you. You're safe here. Nothing's going to hurt you." He reassured softly.


Logan breathed a light chuckle, squeezing Jackson's hand a bit harder when he felt his ears pop painfully from the changing in pressure. "Thank you my darling angle. I'm not all that used to taking trips on a plane. I much prefer car rides but you can't really drive to Florence." He nuzzled into Jackson's neck waiting for the plane to steady itself. Once it was still, Logan peeked out the window to see an expanse of white and nothing else. "Thank you my dear." He murmured, snuggling back into Jackson's embrace and wrapping them both in the blanket. "Both for comforting me and for the honeymoon…and for everything before and after this."


Jackson snuggled into his husband's side and kissed the top of his head. "Don't thank me, darling. I'm just doing what I promised. Taking care of you and making you as happy as you make me. It's what I vowed, isn't it?" He was relieved that Logan was feeling better, keeping in mind that he wasn't a fan of planes for future use.


"It is, but that doesn't mean I won't be grateful. It also doesn't mean I won't ever stop showing my thanks to you." He replied, nudging against Jackson affectionately. "For our next honeymoon I'm choosing where we're going. Hopefully it'll be just as spectacular as Florence." He yawned and plopped his head down against Jackson's chest. "I love you, Jackson. Very much." He mumbled, trying to saw awake a bit longer but the warmth of his husband and the blanket, as well as the low hum of the plane lulled Logan to sleep


Jackson just sighed quietly, happy that his husband was comfortable and that they were on their way to their honeymoon. So he just laid his head on top of Logan's and watched out the window.


Logan stayed asleep for half the plane right, content with letting the world slip away for a bit while got in a good rest after their wedding. He awoke mid flughtly, gently nudging Jackson up and stretching in his seat. "I didn't realize it's be this long." Logan murmured, rubbing his eyes of sleep. He kept the blanket tucked around them, still wanting the warmth butbwas now more awake. "So tell me more about Florence. Have you been before?"


Jackson jumped a little when Logan moved but relaxed quickly. He smiled a little, shrugging. "Only once but yes. I would live and die by the Italian countryside if given the chance. It's so beautiful, I've been dying to an opportunity to go back."


"sorry love, I didn't mean to surprise you." Logan laughed softly and brushed aside Jackson's hair. "It sounds amazing, honeybun. Every cottage core dream fulfilled and I'm not complain one bit. I don't think there more if a perfect time to go that on the spring on our honeymoon."


"Exactly. I've rented us the most adorable little cabin that's in driving distance of the city and from there it's a simple train or bus ride anywhere. We could visit the whole of Europe on our honeymoon if we truly wished."


"yes, yes to all of that. It sounds amazing sweetheart. I want to see it all, with you." He peeked out the window, gasping softly when he saw a bit of the ocean, and beyond that a strip of land. For a moment Logan forgot to be scared of the plane ride or the height they were at and marveled at the beautiful view that poked through the clouds. He gently squeezed Jackson's hand and pressed his face closer to window, hungry to see more.


Jackson simply chuckled at how excited he was, squeezing his hand in return and watching out the window with him. "It's a beautiful land, isn't it? And we'll be spending a week exploring it."


Logan nodded in complete agreement. It was beautiful, despite all Logan could see we're the coast and lush green forests. To endure the rest of the flight, once the clouds returned to cover the bits of land, Logan settled beside Jackson's side and began a movie. "I still can't believe we're actually going to Italy, you're positive this isn't a dream?" He murmured, already feeling the tug of blissfully sleep again.


Jackson chuckled and kissed the top of Logan's head. "Yes, I'm very sure this isn't a dream. We're married. We're going to Italy. This is not a dream. Although if it was, I want a flying unicorn. Just saying. People can have weird things in dreams."


"a flying plane is the closest thing you're going to get in this world, dear." Logan laughed, smiling as he toyed with his wedding ring. "In all honesty, the closest thing me or Raz has ever gotten to Italy is the pizza place down the street. This is definately going to be an adventure."


"That's it? Oh my darling, this is going to be the most wonderful time for you. Just try not to make it obvious that you don't know Italian food, we'll be laughed out of the country." He chuckled, kissing his temple.


"alright maybe not only just pizza. I know some pasta dishes too!" Logan whined with a huff, "so I'm assuming you brushed up on your italien while planning for this?" He asked curiously


Logan laughed akwardly, feeling his ears grow warm with how much he liked Jackson speaking another language. "I'll admit I have no clue what you just said, hon but what ever it was I liked."


"Ah?" Jackson leaned down with a smirk, purring directly into Logan's ear. "Ti piace questo, mia cara? Che carino~" Was he milking this? Maybe a little but he found it cute.