@PaperHats business
Anderson was late. Terribly late.
Still, the mayor hadn’t showed. Which was odd, since it had already been roughly twenty minutes. However, right as his watch struck twenty-after, the man took to the stand. From his look-out point, which was just a nearby balcony of an apartment, DD could see a few reporters taking up the front— their cameras pristine and ready.
Anderson had always had good eyesight. Which was nice, because although he had been commanded to stay within the crowd, he had a perfect vantage point from above. It was an unused apartment, for-sale, actually, and it provided a beautiful encasement of the public gathering.
He was wearing standard clothing. A light purply-grey shirt with a black jacket and heavier slacks. In one of the pockets of the overcoat was his badge— a prized possession he swore to never lose.
As the speech dragged on and his answers began to lack flair, Anderson’s vision wandered again to the crowd. He took out his receiver— a little phone-like device used to contact headquarters— and flipped it between his fingers, leaning on the railing. With a sigh, his amber eyes finally rested on his target.
Her name was Abigail Aster, the reporter for that one news company he often kept up with. She was relatively pretty, at least in her portfolio files at the grounds. From here it was difficult to tell defining features, but from the dark hair and olive skin, it was apparently her.
He watched as she maneuvered her way out of the crowd. Odd to see, since the speech wasn’t over, but Anderson didn’t blame her.
In a split second, his eye caught on someone else. A different figure, face clouded by the deep shadow of his dark hair, almost following her out. It did it discreetly, and quite well, might he add, to the point where he wasn’t sure if this was even her follower or not.
Deciding to send his suspicions to CHC, he flipped the receiver one last time before pressing the button to record. However, his finger slipped, giving him a split second of a near heart attack before it fell to the ground with a menacing CRACK.
It wasn’t big enough to cause a scene, so many may not have noticed and he could just scale down and pick it up and be on his merry way. However, it fell directly in front of his target.
He was just happy it didn’t fall on her.
Quickly he jumped over the railing and onto the fire escape, skimming down the stairs before landing before her, feet flat on the ground.
Anderson’s face held no sense of bashfulness as he picked up his broken receiver, slipped it in his pocket, stood up straight and proud and muttered, “Sorry about that. It didn’t hit you, did it?”
He was certain it didn’t, but he had to make sure. It was these uncertainties that made him who he was. That is— quite a nervous person.
DD gave a small smile, a sort of kind and comforting one, however it held a pang of anxiousness. He was told under no circumstance was he to talk to Aster, however this seemed like it could pass under the radar. Right? As long as he wasn’t seen any other time… right?
At lest he didn’t see the other figure anywhere anymore. Maybe it was a good thing, maybe a bad thing. Although, he had other things to deal with now.