So it could respond. Judging by how slow it was moving and adjusting to standing up it hadn’t moved from their spot for a very long time, “I’m… Brooke. I’m a traveler of sorts,” She crossed her arms, taking a couple steps back to hopefully move into the things field of vision, “Who are you?”
He seemed to take in the information. And also consider an answer. Who am I, again? Cerberus or Kane? Kane knew he was Kane, but most knew him as Cerberus. Although, this person; Brooke did not look like the people he was fighting. She did not act like them either. And there were no rules saying he couldn't, so..
"My name is Kane, Kane Gill."
Brooke nodded once, twice, taking in the information. Sounded like a human name, but whatever Kane was was certainly not human. But how can a robot have a human name? She'd noticed the old, nearly gone name on the side saying Ceberus but maybe that was some code?
"So, if you're Kane, who's Cerberus? Ya know, the name on the side of your metal."
Kane seemed to stand a little higher, looking over at the writing - to the best of his ability. He stayed silent, literally scanning the faded words. After that, he turned to the woman.
“It nickname. Yes, my nickname.” His voice sounded hesitant, and surprisingly; it seemed to have some concept of emotion in it, almost like something he remembered. His teammates, of course: they were all very dead, considered they were humans, and more than a century had passed. Although Kane was unaware of the time that had went by, and carried the hope that maybe someone else was still out there.
He brushed his hand on his opposite arm, moving off some dirt in the progress of doing so.
She blinked a few times, lowering her head slightly as she began to pace slowly in front of Kane, "Shouldn't your name be on your metal, though? I mean I'm no expert or anything in this sort of thing and I dunno how they did stuff back in the day but ya know, wouldn't it just make more sense?" Part of her knew that asking too many questions could get her killed but she honestly was too curious to care.
Kane watched her pace. “I uh..” He wasn’t expecting that, so he didn’t have the answer to it. “Cerberus is also just a code’s important to the mission that they do not know my real name.” Previously his voice seemed to carry a lot of emotion, even sound human, but that last part sounded almost forced, automatic, mechanical.
He paused. “Wait. Back in the day..?” That doesn’t sound right.
Brooke nodded and hummed a little, brushing off the mechanical voice for the time being, "Yeah, back in the day. When the war was on and they had all those robots and-" She paused, turning to Kane, "You're one of the robots aren't you? The ones that fought in the war centuries ago."
Kane froze up; or seemed to, anyway. He knew about the war, but something really seemed to stun him..
“..Centuries..ago?” He asks, very carefully. He fights in that war. There is no way the war lasted that long. Maybe she’s just talking about a different war? But he hasn’t heard of another war with robots..
Brooke nodded again, rocking back on her heels, "Yeah, like two centuries ago or something… have you been shut off for that long?" Her eyes widened a little.
“I don’t..” Kane realized another thing. His teammates, his very human teammates. Humans never lived for that long. Unless you were like Kane. But still, he seemed to refuse the fact that two centuries have passed.
“ must be lying. The war is still going on, right? I need to get back! I need to fight!” He took a step forwards.
Brooke took a step backwards, swallowing, "Why would I lie about something like that? There is no war, the place is at peace, or as close to peace as one can get, really. You don't have to fight anymore."
He seemed to move to take a step forward again, but stopped. He seemed to look down at Brooke, then up into the sky. His only orders right now were to defend his allies, his country. If the war was really over, what was Kane’s purpose?
“But..” His voice seemed to go quiet. “What if I still want to fight..?” Although he didn’t really want to fight. It was just the only thing he really knew, in this body. War robots like him were mass produced to serve their purpose in the war. When the war was over, they were intended to be used in other smaller conflicts, sold off to other countries, or deactivated. Things did not go the right way, it seemed.
“..have centuries really went by?” He lifted his arms, looking at his ‘hands.’
She nodded, shuffling her feet, "Yeah, two centuries or so," She replied, "And don't really know what to tell you, referring to the whole fighting thing. There isn't really… anyone to fight anymore, apart from the occasional aggressive raiders."
“Then that means my teammates are more than likely dead.” He stated, seemingly staring aimlessly at the ground. Kane looks up. “Raiders? Who do they attack?”
"Well, everyone on the planet are raiders, technically. Most of us are civil, but some attack other humans for there property and such." Brooke explained, shrugging a shoulder.
“And would you say you are in danger from other raiders?” Kane asked.
It suddenly came to attention he had not checked how his system was really doing. He began to run a diagnostic on himself while he awaited a response.
She scratched at the side of her head, flipping her hair to the other side, "I mean I guess? Not often but it is common in this area to find aggressive raiders."
Kane’s diagnostic continued to run. It was taking a bit longer, and he feared that might mean some of his system was damaged. But he’s know for sure once he began to move for real.
“Then I will fight for you, against possible threats. If it is okay for me to travel with you, of course.” Kane quickly added at the end.
Brooke blinked a couple of times, surprised at what Kane had said. She wasn't expecting the offer but it was one she couldn't decline, "Uh, sure, why not. I could use a little company I guess."
Kane nodded. He seemed to, anyways. In this body, he didn’t have much of a neck, so things like nodding were a bit tricky to display.
“So..what were you doing out here, exactly?” He asked. “And how did you stumble across me?”
Brooke let out a nervous laugh, "Yeah, I was looking for something to fiddle with 'cause I was bored, and I kinda fell over you, like I didn't see you under all the… dirt and stuff and fell over."
“Ah.” He seemed to piece the rest of it together himself. It seemed he was going to say something, but ended up not. Instead, Kane took a step forwards, and seemed to be nearly ready to get on the move. “I guess you literally did stumble on me, then?”
She chuckled, grabbing onto the strap on her back, "Yeah, that's correct," She sighed, "Well, you ready to get moving? Who are your joints feeling from being immobile for so long?"
Kane seemed to peer at his hand again, testing its movement. He was stiff, if he had to describe it. But he couldn’t exactly feel things, so he’d be fine.
“I think I’m alright for..what, two centuries, of not doing anything at all? Yeah, I’m able to move around. A bit slow right now, but as soon as my gears start going I’ll be fine.”
Brooke nodded, starting to walk the way she as headed before she tripped and fell, "Cool. Well, come on then. The world is big and we have exploring to do." Her aim was to try and head towards the coast line, hopefully find a ship to take her… somewhere, anywhere.