@imJUSTasillylittleguy group
not much to say, we will figure it out as we go.
not much to say, we will figure it out as we go.
hello there, may I join?
awesome! thank you, any plans for this?
nit really, just kinda going with the flow
okay sounds good, do you have a template or anything like that? also is there a certain genre you have in mind?
No genres and no templates lol
huh okay, just a blind rp then. works for me
Lol yeah pretty much
would you like to post a starter then or do you want to figure more of a plot out?
Probably figure plot out
okay cool, first step is figuring out the genre. Do we want romance? Magic? A fantasy world or just a modern day world? What are your thoughts?
(hm, well usually i go around and look for prompts but that works too. honestly im good for most things)
I think figuring out a genre will helps us find prompts better. I usually do fantasy or modern style roleplays so lets look for prompts based on that
(heads up I'm not very active on the weekdays, especially since I have exams this week)
(oh dangwell good luck with your exams)
Hello, I'm back! I haven't thought too deeply into plot I'm but maybe we can do something with royalty or a classic high school thing. If you've come up with any other ideas or have anything to add, that'd be great :)
(Not really both of those are good!)
(Awesome! Is there one you'd prefer?)
(We can do royalty)
@MysticSquijet ?
(umm… If they don't respond and this rp is open… I know we haven't done one together before but… I’m also bored because a lot of my current RP’s seem to be on a bit of a pause atm.)
(Alright then)
(… That's a “yes”, right? 😁)
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