Both of my old rps with this died, unfortunately, so yeah
Deals with dark themes. TW for mention of self-harm and suicide
Little bit of a different rp, since there SO many romance ones, (which is fine!), and tbh I want something new.
…I hope I'm not the only one here who would die for the "grizzled old traumatized character ends up adopting the young ray of starshine" trope. Joel and Ellie from the first Last of Us, anyone?
As usual, when starting these more out-there ideas, I have no idea if I'll be getting any interest or not, but hey, worth a shot
in my own version of this, there are several options we could traverse.
Since I call being old trauma-man, your character can be any age under this sun (except anything past teens. 19's stretching it). Like, we could meet when your character's a baby. Or when they're 17. Or anywhere in between. My preference is a little older, since it's gonna hurt my little heart if I have to write about an old man being mean to a young child because he's fighting his own fatherly instincts.
But, up to you!
Also, my character is not going to be an oc of mine, I'm stealing him from the Doom world, but whatever, I love him regardless. Just lettin ya know.
First come first serve
I may ask for a writing example if we haven't rp'd before
May contain some pretty dark themes
Do not be rude please
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s
If you have any complaints, do not hesitate to bring them to me!
I may change or update these at any time
You don't have to reply super speedy, but please let two days be the limit, unless you let me know beforehand.
Please have good grammar. Thank-you. Occasional slip ups are fine, of course
Swearing is fine, and allowed, just don't go too overboard
No god modding
Please keep your replies a little longer. Doesn't have to be more than 3 lines, but wherever you can, try to stay above 1.
If either one of us doesn't reply for four days with no warning, please bump/be aware that I will bump. I occasionally think I've replied to a thing when in reality I have not.
Please don't let this die!!!!
Character sheet:
Will post if I get any interest.