Full Name: Athilos Maria Acker
Age: Technically, over 200 years old, but he died at 30
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Appearance: His hair is long and a practically golden colour. It reaches halfway down his back when he wears it long or in a braid as he usually does. His eyes an ice-blue colour and are large. Most people describe his eyes as ghostly and haunting. His skin is a pale ivory colour and is completely free of blemishes. He wears a knee-length, white tunic that has embroidery and whatnot, and over it, he wears a thick, red velvet cloak. Under the tunic, he wears black tights. Despite his age, he has a very young appearance. He is short, standing at a mere 170cm and has a thin and fragile frame. His elegance is enough to instil jealousy into most and admiration into some.
History: TW: He assumed the throne at nineteen-years-old after the loss of his late brother who had been assassinated in his sleep. He spent years in melancholy knowing that has was doing the kingdom no good at all. All he could do was panic and dream of what it could have been like if his brother had lived. Every day, he listened to boos and jeers of unhappy people, it pained him so. He talked to his advisors about what he could possibly do to make the people happy, and his heart dropped when his advisor said "nothing." Later on, in that week, he was found hanging in his room by his bedsheets. He had taken his own life.
Since he had no nieces, nephews, or siblings to pass the throne to, the throne went to his older cousin, Henry Alec Crestor. Whose bloodline has held the crown since, calling the Acker family nothing but "a lot of madmen."
Personality (Optional): He deeply cares about the wellbeing of the kingdom and the people in it and it pains him to see the kingdom before treated unjustly. He is an extremely empathetic person, but his emotions tend to make him impulsive.
Other: Despite his whole "being dead" ordeal, he is a tangible being. At times. He can choose whether or not he can be seen or touched. And although he has the ability to float everywhere, he walks instead most commonly.
(Sorry I took so long, I tend to think out my characters for a while. This is actually one of the quickest times I've gotten a form in lol.)