forum I really shouldn't start another know what I'm gonna anyway (Open/one-on-one)
Started by @gracehustle

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Casey just glared at him. There was no way she was going to beg him for a ride and since he seemed to be set on being an ass anyway, she decided internally to just go with her plan B. "Prick," She muttered, swinging her bag off her shoulder and stuffing her stolen goods into it as quickly as she could. The wallets she buried under her things, zipping the bag back up only moments before people came out of the store to look for the culprit. She didn't waste a moment as she set off at a quick walk away from the store, pulling her hood up to hide her face. Being in town only a few days didn't help as she tried to decide what way to go, eventually going with her gut and turning to the left towards a more residential section, a lone hotel and apartment buildings that seemed to gradually change into houses.


Kade revved the engine of the stolen motorcycle and sped up. Police sirens wailed behind him, and he sped up, weaving through traffic with the ease of an expert.

He cursed. Why hadn't he been more careful? He had spent so much time here he was getting sloppy. It was sad.

He pulled to the side of the curb, and dropped the vehicle, darting into a nearby store to hide.


When Casey heard the siren, she figured they were for her. After all, she had been swiping things for the past few days in this town. A small secondhand store was where she was currently doing her 'shopping' when the sirens reached her ears. She was actually shopping to pair with her swiping, picking out a few pieces of clothing she liked and could replace her few pairs she carried with her. It would be suspicious if she dropped her clothing and bolted, but staying in the store much longer wasn't an option either. The second option sounded less dangerous though and so she stayed, watching the door like a hawk.

Surprisingly, the first person she saw rush through the door was the prick from the grocery store. Ah, he was the one being chased. He had surely recognized her though, she wasn't exactly hidden in the aisles of clothes. Great. This was going to be great.


Kade spotted the girl from earlier, and sighed. Of all the luck-

He slipped behind a rack of shelves, pulling his hood over his head and looking through some clothes, as if he was going to buy something. He didn't speak to the girl. He wasn't in the mood. He had to get his heart to stop racing, and who knew when that would be? He shook his head.

Sloppy. So sloppy. He cursed himself in anger. He had just been stealing a bike from the parking lot. Everyone would have thought that it belonged to him, right? But no, this was not true. The owner of the motorcycle had come back, just as he had started the thing, to Kade's annoyance. And then the owner had called the cops.

How disrespectful of them.


It was a tempting choice to just leave the guy alone, but she almost felt bad. She knew what it felt like to be chased, and as much as she thought he had been an absolute ass the last time they had talked, she figured he could use some help. Her mind still told her not to talk to him, maybe to even turn him in as she walked over to the shelves he had slipped behind and pretended to be looking for clothes in the same area.

"You screwed up, big time," Casey whispered, looking over at the guy with a smug look on her face, "Maybe next time try to be more discreet in whatever you got caught doing."


Kade rolled his golden eyes, turning to her with a flat look. "But where's the fun in that? Maybe I want to stop running. Maybe that would make things much easier for me, just to get caught." He wasn't telling the truth, he didn't really want to, but he had been tempted to, on many occasions.


"But then why would you waste all this time running into a store and trying to blend in?" She replied, finding it funny that now the roles almost seemed reversed. This time she was the one being a jerk, he was the one being all serious. Casey hummed softly, pulling out a jacket and looking it over as she continued, "As fun as it might be, you seem to not want to be caught. Maybe I could help?"


"I don't think you could," Kade said, realizing what she was doing. She was trying to act like he had the other day, and so he smiled, as if he was speaking to a small child. "After all, what could a person like you know about helping me? What could you do?"


Casey glared at him as his tone changed and she rolled her eyes, "I know plenty about helping self-centered pricks, if that's what you're asking. I know how you could get out of here without getting caught." She put the jacket back and shrugged, spinning on her heel and starting to walk away slowly, "But it's up to you if you would rather walk out of here in cuffs or get away from your buddies out there."


"I prefer the term arrogant, thank you," Kade said. He was unwilling to accept her help, as his pride wouldn't allow it. "And there's no way you could help someone like me. I'm one of a kind." He turned away from her, although his survival instinct screamed at him to accept her help.


"I mean then you have the option of letting me or that lovely cashier over there squealing and getting whatever they offer in reward for help to catch you," She called, browsing through clothes at the other end of the rack of clothes. Casey pulled a shirt she liked over her arm, adding to the pile of things she wanted to get. It didn't matter to her whether he accepted her help or not. She had tried to be nice, or as nice as she wanted to be to someone who looked like he had never spent more than a day of his life on the run.


This girl was really getting on his nerves. "Yeah, well if she squeals on me, at least it will be a good-looking person doing so," he snapped, turning on his heel and storming away.


"Ouch, I'm offended," She called back, the sarcasm very clear. Casey didn't take his comment to heart, mostly because she already knew she wasn't good looking. Her arms were full of things she wanted but she continued looking through the store, making her way over to the shoe section and trying to find a nice pair. There were too many options, though she narrowed it down to a pair of fairly pristine running shoes or a pair of boots that had caught her eye. Once she decided on this, she told herself she was leaving. No matter if he took her help or not. Her gut told her not to rat him out either way though, even as much as she wanted to.


Kade stared at her for a moment, before slipping through a couple racks of clothes, to hide. He slid into the restroom, trying to look like he just needed to do something, but in reality, he was changing into some clothes that he had stolen from the racks.

Hopefully no one would check the cameras.


She settled on the shoes after a minute, putting the boots back and glancing at them longingly as she walked out of the row. There was no way she could afford both pair though, or carry them in her bag. Even the stack of clothes she had right now was going to be too expensive, so she started the tough process of deciding what she actually needed and would get the most use out of.


"Will everyone come out of the store with their hands up?" Came the announcement on the loudspeaker. Kade cursed. What was he going to do now? There were probably a lot of cops around the area, all waiting for him to exit. He should have worn a mask or something.


Casey huffed at the announcement. There was no way in hell that she was going out those doors. The last thing she needed was for her background to be checked or some other dumb thing and suddenly have the cops on her as well. She just hoped there was a back exit. Saddly, she set down her stack of clothes, pulling out a thick leather jacket she had boon looking at as well as her running shoes. It would be risky to go out whatever back way they had, but she was going to risk it.

Shrugging on the jacket overtop of her outfit as well as switching out her shoes quickly, she made her way to the back of the store. There had to be an exit somewhere along the wall.


Kade slipped from the bathroom. Instantly, he felt exposed. The bathroom had offered him some cover, but not for long. He couldn't hide in there. It wouldn't work, and he would be found instantly.

He had changed into ripped jeans and a band tee, and done his best to comb his hair in a way that was unlike him. It wasn't the best disguise, but it was better than nothing. He had left his old clothes in the trash can. Hopefully the cops wouldn't check there until he was long gone.