OK so I saw an edit of Tom's Peter Parker, and it gave me an idea for an RP.
Similar to Tony saying that Peter can't be Spider-Man, but also saying that he can't keep seeing his daughter, —.
Obviously, it would use different names.
Much as I would like to be the daughter, I am perfectly happy being the Peter character as I have ideas.
Template posted it someone joins.
I kinda get it but not really, who's daughter?
(Tony Stark is training Peter to be Spiser-Man
so imagine that Tony Stark has a daughter
Now imagine that his daughter is dating peter
Now imagine that Peter and Tony have a fight, and it ends in Tony saying Peter can't be Spider-Man anymore and has to stop seeing his daughter as well
Now imagine that it's a different universe and that they have different names)
(That makes so much more sense lol. I was reading it as Peter having a daughter)
(so… Want to join?
Do you want to be the daughter or Peter's character?
And don't forget that they're similar but actually different characters)
How different? 50% or more like 60-75% different?
(like… Names?
And possibly appearances (tho it'd be cute if you kept tom Holland)
(I want to keep Tom Holland, hes the cutest I have ever seen)
(he's so fucking ADORABLE
I wanna meet him and Zendaya so bad
It's normal to ship fictional characters
But I literally ship Tom and Zendaya)
Age: (17-18)
Appearance: (even though you're keeping Tom, try to describe him)
Style: (day-to-day clothing)
Power/s: (describe spidey's powers)
Theme song:
Quote/s: (up to two, no more than three)
(ok, but im going to change a few things about peter. and (obviously) im using Tom's spiderman not Toby or andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s)
(all good
But I want him to still be a…variation of Spider-Man type thing)
(he will be lol, ill probably change some things. I can't decide if I want Ned to be his best friend, I kinda want either Michelle or another new character. I also want him to be a little more… secretive, like not making web fluid in school, instead of sneaking supplies out and making them at home. just basic (personality?) things)
(makes sense
Don't take his dorkiness away tho cause that's what makes him cute)
(As you probably know, I'm not a good RPer so I'll try to keep as much of his dorkiness as i possibly can without ruining his character)
(Thanks, not many think that lol)
Name: Peter Parker
Age: just turned 18
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Appearance: milk chocolate coloured eyes that sparkle when hes happy, beige skin tone, high cheekbones and smile lines, he has a crooked smile and messy dark brown hair.
Style: anything comfortable, ie. Jean's or sweatpants, a tanktop or shirt with a science pun on it, and sneakers
Personality: idk how to describe it lol. Hes a generally funny person who is kinda sassy. He can be adorably flustered at times and is nervous in front of pretty girls
Likes: spiders, building new tech, making web fluid, his gilrfriend
Dislikes: tiny treating him like a kid, flash, MJ refusing to laugh at his jokes
Background: he lives with his aunt may in a run down apartment. (Tbh idk much about his backveound)
Power/s: can climb walls, has good eyesight but needs special glasses to focus his vision, has "spider senses" that allow his to know when danger is near, although its sometimes really stupid like 'there a puddle', he can use his web fluid to swing from places, web fluid can make nets and trap people, its sticky enough to act as glue
Theme song: Ignite by Alan Walker
Quote/s: "this bish empty, YEET!" -Vine, "happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, I'd I ly one remembers to turn on the lights." -Albus Dumbledore
Other: I want him to have a dog but idk
(he's a bit basic and the grammar's not amazing but I get what you're trying to say and of what you've got he's good)
(Thanks lol, this is what I understand from looking at his character)
(sorry i wont be able to post my character for about a week
i lost my phone for a week and its easier for me to do profiles on my phone)
Name: Kalie Athena Bloom
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Elena looks more like her mother than her father, but at times she looks like neither of them. She has waist length blonde hair that can appear brown-ish in different lights, and it usually has some style of braid. Her eyes are a complete crystal blue and match her mother's. Her skin is and average peach colour but a little on the pale side. (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcQpYasHDhwrmkqh_udfe7jITiZU3f9Rqai4QuUbMA89pl2vd8lw)
She has a port wine stain on her face that no one ever sees because she always wears makeup (https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/130/590x/secondary/Rachel-birthmark-486864.jpg).
Elena has a small tattoo on her back which includes lyrics of her favourite song (https://scontent-lht6-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/ad3810d1a4280f70c803edef820d6b78/5CA04ACC/t51.2885-15/e35/43914567_2263018500649336_3369599765083417016_n.jpg?se=8&ig_cache_key=MTg4ODcyNTkxNzA4NjQ4Mjg5NA%3D%3D.2).
Style: Elena is super stylish and a beauty guru. However, she is rarely seen wearing high end clothes, shoes or jewelry. She loves to shop at local stores and has a popular YouTube channel in which she shows people how they can dress like her (since her fashion sense is loved) and where they can buy the clothes she wears.
Personality: Elena is kind, witty and resourceful. She has a sense of humour and is very loyal.
Likes: Peter, her parents, Gwen, her 'aunts' and 'uncles'
Dislikes: Villians
Background: Kalie is the only daughter of the richest man in the world, who also happens to be Iron Man. Kalie spends barely any time with her parents, but not because they're never around: she's never around. Kalie will be found hanging with friends, being on a date with Peter or spending quality time with her big brother.
Kalie is the younger of two. And she's really close to her brother Oliver, who is 7 years older than her. Not wanting to follow his father's footsteps but still wanting to help people, Oliver became a firefighter. Kalie and Oliver have a really strong bond and always make one for each other.
Kalie is a popular person. This isn't because of her father, since she hates fake friends. Kalie is only friends with people she wants to be friends with, and will go out of her way to make friends with friendless people. But her two closest friends remain the same: Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy.
Kalie, unlike Oliver, will follow her father's footsteps. Not money or hero wise, but technology wise. Kalie is a prodigy. She loves technology and is really skilled with it. She has a lab in her house that is filled with gadgets she has made.
Oliver - https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRVa9FqZS03Fy3K8MsC5qwWYiDRwnwgmAYL4-uyA2tEI203k1KM
Power/s: None
Theme song: King by Lauren Aquilina
Quote/s: (sorry I couldn't help myself)
- "If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forwards."
- "You know my name. Not my story. You see my smile. Not my pain. You notice my cuts. Not my scars. You can read my lips. Not my mind."
- "Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a better place."
- "If I die, please don't cry. Just look at the sky and say goodbye."
"/ tell you to stay away from this. Instead, you hacked a multimillion-dollar suit… …so you could sneak around behind my back… …doing the one thing I told you not to do. ls everyone okay? No thanks to you. No thanks to me?" Tony yelled at Peter.
(ill pm you the full argument)
(Ok, so do we start based off of that??)
I've already started
Basically just copy and paste)