forum I literally just want a wholesome t4t relationship with dragon riders and magic and all that (OxO)
Started by @NikolaNiks

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I'm a fairly run of the mill straight, t4t trans man who wants to basically roleplay a straight, t4t relationship without expectations of writing too much effort-filled stuff. I'm also changing up my standard rules around shipping/smexy stuff for this so please read through them as they are in at least my opinion important. I also want them to be dragon riders. Or rather, my character is a dragon shapeshifter, and your character is his gorgeous lover, the lone Queen of the kingdom Light's Herald. Essentially, he's her guardian, consort, and knight, and their relationship is pretty wholesome, with a few storylines fleshed out as options below. I hope this is interesting enough as a concept, I mainly just like roleplaying wholesome supportive relationships with a textbook GirlbossxHimbo combo. I hope this makes sense and thanks for reading!!

-How they first meet: My concept for this is that before your character is a Queen, she is a Princess off on an epic Quest to save her kingdom from a curse that causes everyone in the kingdom to slowly fall ill with a sickness that eventually renders the victim of an unbreakable coma. My character is essentially injured during flight and crash lands in the woods on your character's journey, and she helps him because why not? and so he pledges obligatory dragon "you saved my life now I'm basically your guardian for life" loyalty and they save the kingdom.
-Established relationship: Stealing the plots of Tangled the Series and oddly enough Sonic the Hedgehog movies for this one and modifying them a bit, there is a Sunstone and a Moonflower that grant the user powers over the forces of Chaos and Unity, a demon king is trying to steal them and use them for nefarious purposes. They have to save the kingdom and stuff blah blah happy ending.
-Established relationship + kid shenanigans: Basically them being a wholesome family and raising a kiddo with dragon powers like their dad. That's as far as I thought through that one.

Rules are as follows:

If you're a bigot, nazi, or otherwise asshole I won't want to roleplay with you. It doesn't take much to go just above the bar for "Kind Person" and I don't have super high expectations so I expect you to be such.
I won't tolerate transphobia in particular, but also basically all other forms of bigotry such as ableism, sexism, general homo/queerphobia, racism, religious bigotry etc. also FREE PALESTINE. The only "ism" we support here is the t'ism.
On that note, I'm autistic and have some… reservations around smut but am breaking my usual rule of "avoid smut at all costs" because I honestly just wanna write wholesome sexy stuff for once in my life idk where this urge is coming from. This will not be a big part of the RP, I would like to stress that I'm not really a smut author nor am I particularly kinky irl so this will be tamer stuff. Don't make me regret this, is my point.
Be decent and respectful. Politeness and a good attitude go a long way. I get if I'm annoying sometimes you have every right to point it out but please don't trash me for existing thx xoxo ;)
I won't write anything involving or referencing sexual trauma, I really hate a lot of the tropes that surround it and aside from that, I actually have sexual trauma and don't wanna relive it, again thanks for getting it.
I also won't write hardcore gore or sexual stuff, once again I am NOT into that. Characters can fight and draw blood but graphic depictions of internal organs make me feel like I'm gonna vomit. Also I'm not kinky, once again.
PLEASE tell me if I'm triggering anything with how I write for you, I have paranoia and phobias so I totally get having the ickies over even tame, calm plots. Also, feel free to list any triggers you may have!
Have fun!!


(Sure! Do you want to use character templates or discuss plots or characters or setting or anything before we begin?)


(Yes! I would like character templates. I have a character in mind for this but it’s funny bc I actually have a lot of dragon shapeshifter characters myself, and a whole world built around them so it’s weird not being in that role ahah. Anyway, questions- this curse, it would also apply to the princess, right? Also, did you have a specific idea for what Light’s Herald is like, or do I have creative license to add my own ideas? If this rp is about dragon riders, does that mean the kingdom is going to go into a HTTYD route and like, the kingdom’s citizens and the dragon shifters end up having a symbiotic relationship?)


(Also as an aside, I’m autistic as well and I understand the urge to write wholesome smut. I’m not super experienced with it either and only started writing scenes like that a while ago. So I don’t mind it and I’m not really into hardcore stuff either)


(Okay, so to answer your questions and comments in chronological order…

Character templates it is then! Also cool, dragon shifter buddies! The curse might apply to the princess it might not, it's up to you how that pans out could make for some good angst idk?? But it's not something I actually thought about sorry! And you have full creative licence over the kingdom and it's traditions but I did envision it to be a bit inspired by Greek Mythos, with the dragons being a fair bit more monstrous and dangerous and more chaotically benevolent to who they deem as worthy than anything and generally made to protect specific magical artifacts over huge hoards of treasure. My character is going to be an exiled dragon shifter, looking for a treasure to protect as the dragon shifters do have their own society but it's very strict and thus those who are exiled aren't generally allowed back in unless they prove their worth by finding something worth protecting, if you get my vibe. I have an inkling of how their culture plays out but of course I'm not 100% on any aspect of anything, just a bit of backstory. And maybe!! Dragons are a lot less like animals and more like people so less HTTYD and more like… uhh, not really having a frame of reference, more like werewolves living in human society kind of deal, or even like the Hellhounds in helluva boss, like there are rules and stuff around them and their care but they're seen as lesser citizens in many societies so they basically just formed their own and told everyone else to fuck off, yk? And yeah I'm pretty much only interested in writing smut for the plot and symbolism and also sometimes the wholesome fluff yk? Don't really condone kink in real life, it's really abusive in a lot of ways and I was exposed to that stuff way too young so mainly I just stick to the fluff n stuff.)


(Okay great, sounds good! And yeah, ofc it wouldn’t really be like HTTYD, it was just the first dragon rider thing I thought of)


(Thanks, and yeah I got what you were aiming for just felt the need to over-clarify.)


(I’ll post some character templates in a bit, I’m in class now and honestly I just haven’t been checking social medias and things like that as consistently as I should be tbh.)


Species: (Your character could be a human, an elf, a dwarf, something else ect. I'm not picky! Just something you think would be interesting. Bonus points for femme dwarves with beards as part of their culture and expression a la Cheery Littlebottom because I am f e r a l for that stuff omgggggg)
Wardrobe style: (can be images or just a general vibe or description.)
What stuff are they afraid of? I need both vibes and specific phobias like spiders or the dark or death because tbh I have… plans for that tee-hee:
Character playlist (if you have one):
Family? Friends? Toxic stalker ex? What relationships do they have with others? How do those relationships go? How do they end?:
Other notes/misc. section for just random trivia and facts:

Also, I don't think I noted this in the original posting, but I don't see most forms of bigotry existing in this universe besides like, speciesism and possibly a bit of institutional ableism because I'm projecting. I see this as being a very queer accepting universe, but maybe they'd have certain biases between species and possibly some biases around neurodivergence/disability as accessibility in fantasy stories is an interesting topic I'd like to take realistically. Also, some cultures might have sexist rules and customs that, as our characters adventure, they'd basically digest and take down, however I am aware that sexism is a cousin of many types of queerphobia so I don't know how in-depth I'd actually get with that for the sake of being realistic to how real world bigotry works. Anyways, just some thoughts! And obviously no real violence would be enacted in a triggering way, just implied stuff for the most stuff. Thanks!


(Probably since we’re going for the first prompt, somewhere between 21-26 since this is before the Queen is officially coronated.)


(Okay, thanks. Also I know you said most forms of bigotry don’t exist here, but since my character is from a kingdom with a monarchy, what about classism? Slavery? Or is that covered under my creative license?)


(I honestly didn't think of that! I don't think I'm qualified to write about issues around slavery seeing as I'm whiter than snow and so I don't really have a say in topics like that. But classism is definitely a topic we could explore for sure!)


(Okay, no worries. I’m just looking into Ancient Greek society while I’m filling out my sheet and they had a lot of slaves. They were considered non-citizens, not under the protection of the law, so I felt it would be relevant to address. Class in general is also relevant to my character’s backstory)


(yeah I get that! I mainly meant the aesthetics of the buildings and fashion etc, not the actual culture being Greek if that clarifies things. Sorry!)


Name: Ella Maret
Age: 24
Species: Human
Gender: trans woman
Sexuality: bisexual
Appearance: Ella is about 5’6 with a sturdy, slightly muscled figure. Her olive complexion has warm undertones, and the skin is a little rough around her fingers and knees. She also has scars, some from her work and some from abuse. She has hazel eyes and dark hair in loose curls. It goes to about her shoulder blades, and is usually tied back with a ribbon
Wardrobe style: pretty simple, for a princess. Though her dresses are made with expensive fabrics, they don’t have a ton of flair to them, aside from the more formal dresses with lace and embroidery. The style of her wardrobe is reminiscent of mid-17th century fashion, with the sleeves showing the shoulders a little and ending either around or after the elbow. She often likes wearing pastels, as well as making her own dresses for fun.
What stuff are they afraid of? vibes and specific phobias: not being able to save anyone, her pet mice dying, starvation, something happening to her right hand so she won’t be able to sew or write or anything anymore, thunder
Character playlist: Sappho by Frankie Cosmo, Rose by The Oh Hellos, Dream a Little Dream of Me by Ella Fitzgerald and Louie Armstrong
What relationships do they have with others?:
Bio parents- Ella’s parents were peasants. Her mother died not long after she was born so her relationship with her exists through what her father said about her, that she was beautiful, kind, caring. Ella and her father loved each other, and he was a good parent, but due to their difficult circumstances he was sometimes distant, forced to focus his attention on work or something so that he could put food on the table. One day, he got sick. Ella figured out that if she stole food and gave it to him, he would smile and then seem better after eating it. So, she started stealing a lot. But eventually, her father couldn’t eat anymore. Couldn’t even move. He seemed to have gone to sleep forever. Ella was 6 years old.
Employers- In exchange for food, shelter, and sometimes money, Ella would work for families who needed help or farms that needed laborers. She tried to stay gracious and cooperative so that she would make a good impression, but that didn’t always guarantee good treatment. Usually her term of employment would last around 6 months, sometimes longer.
Other orphaned/impoverished children- Ella tried to make friends, even if it was difficult sometimes. Occasionally she’d bond with the children of a family she was working for, but a lot of the times it was just awkward, or even antagonistic. Sometimes she’d make acquaintances with other kids on the street. There was one girl who became a very good friend, almost sisterly. She taught Ella how to braid and style her hair, and basic reading and writing skills. She also gave her the ribbon she still wears in her hair.
Mice- Her mice are Ella’s best friends. There was one mouse that accompanied her throughout her wanderings and working days, and three that regularly stay close to her in the present day. She gives them bits of her food and pets, and they give her consistent company.
King- the king adopted Ella when she was about 12 years old. At first, things were pretty awkward between them, but they gradually grew on each other. Slowly, Ella came around to the idea that he was her new father, though he was nothing like her biological dad, so she just calls him “father” and nothing more casual or affectionate than that. He helped her become accustomed to palace life and broadened her education. They connected more when he taught her to play the piano, soon finding that they enjoyed playing together and singing. He really loves her and wants her to be happy, and she really wants to be the best daughter and princess for him. And then, just like her biological father before him, he got sick. He seemed to fall asleep, the first to fall to the curse that soon plagued the land.
Ex bf- as Ella got used to living in the palace, she began to notice a boy who worked in the kitchens who would sometimes take her dirty dishes. She sought him out and was able to get his name and speak to him for a little while, but they couldn’t continue the conversation. Their relationship mostly consisted of brief interactions when they came across each other, and despite this, Ella eventually developed a crush on him. She was too shy and clueless to do anything about it, until she was around 18-20, when the king began bringing up marriage and suitors. She didn’t like the idea of her marriage being arranged for her, or marrying someone she didn’t know who she probably wouldn’t like, so in a sort of act of defiance, she went to the boy and confessed her feelings. It was a bit awkward, but he returned her feelings and they got together. She started requesting for his presence specifically instead of just waiting for him to come by, and they got to know each other better. They had that awkward, sweet puppy love for each other, though of course things weren’t perfect. It was hard for them to communicate to each other due to their difference in class, as well as Ella’s trauma and just. Not knowing how. After about 6 months or so, that difference in class began to eclipse everything else, and was the reason for their separation. They are still on friendly terms.

Other notes/misc. section for just random trivia and facts: She has healing abilities; basically she has a healing touch that accelerates the body’s ability to repair itself. Her own body can do this naturally. She loves sewing, reading, and cheesecake. Also she is my version of Cinderella that I modified for this rp.


Name: Hawthorne "Hawks" Harlow
Age: 22
Species: Dragon Shifter
Gender: Trans man, he/him
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Hawks is tiny but mighty, with a square and muscular build that stands to about 5'2". He is freckled, with a deep tan that never goes away, even in the darkest of winters. He has green eyes with an almost velvety, soft quality when he looks at you. His hair is a vibrant blue, and he has blue scales smattered across his body and around his temples. He has wings that can't carry him super far in human form but work for short distances. Has a lot of scars all over his body from various adventures.
Wardrobe style: Farm boy/working commoner clothes, for the most part. Hawks is very simple, and he's honestly not good at dressing or styling himself. Aside from that, after being cast from his kingdom he doesn't have much money for expensive stuff.
What stuff are they afraid of? I need both vibes and specific phobias like spiders or the dark or death because tbh I have… plans for that tee-hee: Hawks likes to claim he isn't afraid of anything, but really, he's afraid of his mom, she is the Great Dragon Tyrant that rules over her kingdom with predominantly fear and cold pragmatism.
Character playlist (if you have one): will update with songs (maybe) (hopefully)
Family? Friends? Toxic stalker ex? What relationships do they have with others? How do those relationships go? How do they end?: Hawks mainly just has his mom, he never got to know anyone outside the kingdom or even outside his mom's inner circle and he never got to know anyone very well with how he takes on odd jobs and leaves once the money has been passed to him.
Other notes/misc. section for just random trivia and facts: Hawks is basically a loner, but a lonely loner. He wants friends but is way too autistic to make them (I say this as an autistic person).