forum I know I'm stupid but I need another RP.
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

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Title says it all. Just looking for a RP buddy again because I'm bored.

I like:

  • Crime
  • Science Fiction
  • SFW Romance
  • Superheroes
  • Futuristic
  • Dystopian


  • Be semi-literate.
  • No cursing or vulgar language.
  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules obviously apply.
  • No sex scenes.
  • Violence and gore limited to PG-13ish level but as long as you're not going ridiculously overboard you're good.
  • No being OP.
  • No Mary Sues/Gary Stus.
  • You get the idea.
  • If you have questions, ask.


(Well, I have a couple ideas. Is there a specific genre you like? Or style or roleplay? (Such as a long-plot heavy one? Or just a casual, dialogue prompt?)


(I listed some of the things I like in my original post, but I especially tend to like crime and dystopian themes that are merged together. Especially if there's a big romantic subplot. But that isn't necessary for a good RP; just adds some spice to it. I like RPs that have longer plots, but also a lot of dialogue and character interaction, so it's whatever you're feeling.)


(I have a couple actually. Sorry for the wait.)
(Also, some aren't original, while some are.)

  1. Character A is a teen-hero, working alone. They're always tired, they're always stressed, and the redbull-coffee mix isn't working anymore. They're falling behind in school, losing their edge on villain fighting, and barely has time to sleep at night. They're getting emotional, and it isn't pretty. One night as they're out and about, they're fighting a familiar foe, trying to stop them from continuing crimes. But in the middle of the villain taunting them, they can't help but break down in tears at the words that wouldn't normally get to them. Now in a frenzy, the villain is doing everything they can to stop the hero from crying.

  2. X is a mastermind kidnaps people and holds them for ransom (If that wasn't obvious enough). Recently he has kidnapped the lovely Y. And Y wasn't even tying, but they've totally seduced their kidnapper.

  3. Person A is a flirtatious character for sure. They don't let anything bug them, and don't exactly know the definition of "personal space" or "no". Which… is definitely a problem. They've probably flirted with every person with-in miles of the city they live in.
    So when A goes to a party, and sees a new face, you best believe they take the chance to flirt with them. Especially considering how attractive they are. But Person B is… different. They aren't swooning to A's game, and seem to have a pretty strong head. Now A is getting frustrated, trying even harder. But when B retaliates by flirting in return, it seems A isn't as smooth as everyone thought.

(I can keep looking, but that's what I have for now. If you want more, just ask :3)


These are all literally too perfect. I feel so conflicted trying to choose one that it's not even funny. XD

I keep wanting to say 1 but then my brain is like "what about 2? That one's really good" so then I'm like "okay 2 then" but then my brain says "you forgot about 3 because that one's also great" and then I'm like casually sweating "okay let's go with 3—" and then my brains says "hold up we both know you wanna do 1" and then—

You get the idea.

So if you have a preference for any of these, I'm absolutely 1000% up for any— but if you don't know what to pick either, I'll go with 1 to save us time. But, dang it, 2 and 3 also look so appealing…


Aww thanks :D And haha, I get the feeling. It's like that meme, but replace the word :P

I mean, we could always attempt to mix things? 1 and 2 could possibly go together, but later on when the hero is a little older? Maybe? Possibly? It's up to you!


Well, I suppose it depends. I think it would be easier to do them separately unless we wanted to have a large cast of characters within a single RP, which would work fine as well if we wanted. I really love them all but after thinking about it, I definitely wanna start with #1. If we wanna do the others, we can make more RP threads or find ways to fit them into this one as well!!! :3

Do you want to be the villain, or could I? Also, is it okay if my character is a male? I'm not very good at women characters :' )


Alright, number one it is! Sounds like a good plan to me!

And you can totally be the villain if you want? And the male character is fine :)
I’m honestly cool with whatever haha!


(Oh, quick question, can you view Pinterest links?)

~Must Fill out~
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Hero/Villain Name:
Links: (If any)


~Must Fill out~

First Name: Cassidy "Cass"

Middle Name: Emil

Last Name: Wesley

Hero/Villain Name: He's had several over the years, including Contagion, Toxin, and Decay, but he currently goes by Plague. He doesn't like his real name because most people assume Cassidy is a girl.

Age: 18 years old, but he'll exaggerate himself to be older if he can.

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Alignment: I can't say for sure, honestly, because he hasn't developed enough.

Power: He has the ability to infect people with a fatal illness simply by making physical contact with them. In fact, he has no control over it— meaning that, as of right now, he can't touch anyone without causing them harm. The deadliness of the sickness varies according to how long he touches them and whether or not he's trying to transfer the illness to them. Generally, the infected will begin to see their veins turn black beneath their skin— starting at the point where he touched them— and spread throughout their body. They may feel nauseated, get headaches, and even see hallucinations. The infection causes extreme internal pain and will also amplify the senses for the worst. Survival is possible if they are only mildly infected, but severe cases mean certain death unless medical attention is given immediately.


Body: He stands at about 5'11, with broad shoulders and a much narrower waist. He's kind of on the skinnier side, though, with a little bit of lean muscle but still a bit of softness as well. His skin is deathly pale and he's kind of self-conscious about it.
Clothing: He wears loose, comfortable clothing. When he's alone or not currently preoccupied with villainy, he wears oversized hoodies and sweatpants or dark flannel shirts. He actually wears glasses, too, though he opts for contacts when he's in his suit because he thinks glasses make him seem less threatening and it irks him.
Links: N/A

Likes: The dark. Knives. Rainy nights. Cookies. Hedgehogs.
Dislikes: Bright lights. Needles. Sunny days. Authority figures. Himself.


(That’s totally fine! I am working on mine, I just haven’t posted it yet lol.)

And honestly, probably 17-23 range? My girl is suppose to be in high-school, so if there’s any romance, probably not much older than that :P
But I could always make her college age.