@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
"Well, why don't you come with me?" Daniel smiled a bit, flicking his tail a little.
"I could show you how to live out here. I've been doing it for a while." Daniel smiled.
"Well, why don't you come with me?" Daniel smiled a bit, flicking his tail a little.
"I could show you how to live out here. I've been doing it for a while." Daniel smiled.
"Yeah? I'd love that, thank you," she said sincerely. She smiled when he did. She quite liked his smile. "I guess I'll go retrieve my stuff back at the inn, then. Would you come with me?"
"Of course. There are too many people who would try to hurry a girl as pretty as you." Daniel found Caenya's smile nice. He stood, bowing a little to her.
"It would be my honor to go with you." He actually started packing up his camp, getting it all into one bag.
Caenya could not recall a time somebody had been so sweet to her.
"And it's an honor to have you come," she said happily. "You're not staying here anymore?" Him packing up confused her, but she helped him anyway.
"Nah. I don't usually stay in one spot too long. Helps me not get attached to the area. There's a lot more to the with then where I've been. It'd be nice to see more of it." Daniel slung his pack onto his back smiling.
"And I'm glad I have, because now I've met you."
"I can understand that. I don't stay put, either." They started along the path back to the city. Back inside the walls… "How do you feel about getting something to eat? I came across a stand that sold some very good food the other day."
"Sounds good to me. I'll pay." Daniel winked, walking a little faster to get in front of Caenya, then turned so he was walking backwards to give Caenya a smile.
"You don't have to do that!" Caenya couldn't help it, she grinned back. "C'mon, I'll show you where it is." She took his hand and led him down a crowded street to where shopkeepers had set up their market stands. They arrived at a small one, meeting a friendly shopkeeper.
Daniel let Caenya lead him to the stall, smiling. He stopped at the stall, smiling as he looked over the food.
"You have a good taste in food," he noted to Caenya.
"Mhm," she agreed. "Try this!"
She held out a small skewer of meat, after eating half of it herself.
Daniel accepted the food with a smile. He took a bite, eyes widening a little.
"This is really good!" He said, tail wagging happily.
"It is, isn't it?" Caenya wrapped up some more food for later, and they paid and left to the inn. "So how do you usually get food out in the woods? Do you hunt?"
(Sorry in advance if I'm not active much this week; I'm falling kinda behind in school and gotta catch up :)
(I understand, no worries)
"Sometimes," Daniel said. "And sometimes I just come in town to get things I can't get in nature."
"Ah, okay." Caenya greeted the keeper of the inn with a nod as they entered. "Alright, I don't have much stuff. It shouldn't take me too long…" she said as she began to stuff some clothes into a pack.
"Would you like some help?" Daniel asked. He stepped forward, offering himself to her. To help, of course.
"Oh, yes, thank you," Caenya said, relieved. She let him help her, and together they stuffed the rest of her things in the pack. Caenya swung it over her should, and with a wide grin, said, "So, where do we go now?"
"Away," Daniel said simply. "Anywhere but in walls." He thought a moment. "I know! Let's head out the opposite gate this time."
Caenya nodded in agreement and they left her room, stopping quickly for her to pay her dues to the innkeeper. As they headed down the street, she found herself thinking. Though she had only met Daniel last night, he felt like anything but a stranger. Of course, he could still be somebody just waiting to kidnap her, but he had done so much for her already; he was too sweet to be a bad guy.
Daniel smiled as they started walking through the city to get to the other gate. He held onto Caenya's hand as they walked to keep from being separated, so relaxed. When they got to the gate, he smiled brightly.
"Off on a new adventure," he said happily. "With you."
"With you," Caenya agreed with a grin on her face. As they exited the city walls, Caenya secretly hoped she wouldn't have to go back. "Alright, you're the nature specialist." She brought her voice up at the end of the sentence as if it was a question. "Where to?"
"Off the road," Daniel says with a grin. "You can't see the good stuff without going down the way less traveled." Daniel stepped off the road. He seemed to be more in his element in the trees, like he belonged there.
Caenya nodded and happily followed him into the woods, once again. They were cast in the shade of the trees, which was a relief; it had been a relatively warm morning.
"Hold on," Caenya said, releasing Daniel's hand. She had noticed a small patch of blue flowers growing next to a tree. They were beautiful. She bent down, picked a few, and stood after placing some in her hair. She smiled brightly and continued to walk alongside Daniel.
Daniel let out a soft whistle.
"Looks amazing on you," he said with a smile. He reached into his pack, pulling out a flute.
"Would you like to hear some music?" He asked.
Caenya sucked in an excited breath at the sight of the flute. She adored music. She occasionally would play herself; finding a piano or a violin wherever she could.
"Yes, please," she said, thrilled.
Daniel smiled, lifting the flute to his lips. He began playing slowly, but the tone soon picked up. It, just like Daniel, seemed to fit perfectly in the woods. Daniel closed his eyes slightly, letting the music wash over him.
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