She finished 5 minutes later, smiling to herself as she put the blades back.
She finished 5 minutes later, smiling to herself as she put the blades back.
Skye had just started on the second blade when she finished, knowing it had taken him longer than usual to get that nick out…
She laid next to him, just watching him sharpen with a smile.
Skye payed no attention to her, working to sharpen a couple more nicks out of his second blade.
She hummed quietly, going through the process of getting nicks out was a pain she was too familiar with.
Fianlly Skye gave up, his arm aching. "What the heck did you do to your staff Marco?" he asked.
"Seriously, getting those out shouldn't be taking that long."
"My blades are made of a special matierial…" Said Skye by way of explanation. "They need extra care to keep in shape,"
She threw her hands up in defense. "Okay sorry for assuming, fancy."
Skye laughed, "It's ok, this stuff drives me crazy too.. If it weren't for the fact that the material itself helps in a fight I would've gotten rid of the years ago!"
"Then there's me with my boring daggers." She twirled said blade in between her fingers.
"I've got a few of those too" said Skye, pulling one out of his sleeve.
"How long have I had these? I don't even remember."
"I've had these for about what, 10 years now?" asked Skye, twisting to look at Marco.
"My sister gave me these, actually. I don't remember when though."
"15" said Marco in answer to Skye, "and my brother left this staff for me."
(Sorry! I didn't notice you'd answered!)
"Really? That's interesting."
(No worries! I honestly should've bumped this sooner…..)
"Yeah…" said Marco, "Considering I've never even seen him before yeah…."
"Oh. Well then…" He cleared her throat awkwardly.
"Hey it's ok" said Marco, "My family line has always been obscure, so the fact that a relative actually reached out to me at all is surprising."
"Yeah, I could say the same seeing as mine was torn apart."
Marco grinned, "That's when you build a new family"
"But I'm too scared that people will hurt me again so I never have." She mumbled.
"Well last I checked Skye's too busy dealing with his own issues most of time to ever think up a way to really hurt you on purpose." Said Marco, "that and he's a softy"
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