"What? Skye no! I'm not leaving you here!" They already hurt and damaged her but she wasn't just going to give up and run.
"What? Skye no! I'm not leaving you here!" They already hurt and damaged her but she wasn't just going to give up and run.
Skye gave her a hard look, hugging her, carefully hiding his amulet in her pocket. "Just get out of here, I can't do anything when they have the power to hurt you." He said before backing away.
Marco came up, his movements slow and careful as he cut Crystal's bonds, helping her up and guiding her to the door.
The voice chuckled. "Take the girl. She has no use to us anymore. So glad you're willing to finally cooperate, Skye."
Skye growled, but made no move as Marco made it out the door.
As soon as they were outside Marco sprinted, making a run for it while they could. He felt bad about leaving Skye behind… but from what he'd heard from Wolf Territories… and his knowledge of Skye's true abilities… He figured his best mate would be ok.
She didn't try to fight against it, she knew Skye would be fine but she was still worried. However as Marco pulled her along, she hissed in pain. Her shoulder still really hurt.
Marco glanced back at her, not slowing. "You ok?" He asked.
Skye growled as some the hunters forced himto the ground, he didn't resist, but they treated him like he was.
"My arm…I don't know how deep that cut was but I'm going to go with pretty deep because that's a lot of blood." She swiped some of the blood of her arm.
"It's probably worse than it is…" said Marco, already thinking about how to get Skye out of there.
Skye growled as one of them felt around his neck before kicking him in the gut.
"He doesn't have it!" The 1 yelled.
"What?! He's halfblood! They all have one!" Yelled a second.
Skye couldn't help smirking silently, "Can't control me without it can you…." he said, "and believe me, I'd rather die than do anything you want me to"
"Whatever. I'll live. Hopefully." She kept swiping blood off her arm and continued walking.
One of the hunters began to swear, blasting skye with a whip of aura and throwing him against the wall as if he were a rag doll.
Skye just laughed, triumphant that his plan had worked.
Marco eventually led her to another hideout, once inside he pulled a first aid kit from a hidden cubby, quickly grabbing supplies to deal with Crystal's injury. Suddenly he froze, realization dawning on him. "Crystal check your pockets quick"
She smiled a little, already knowing what he wanted. "Looking for this?" She pulled the amulet out. "He gave it to me right before we left."
"Skye you clever devil" grinned Marco, gesturing for to sit down so he could take a better look at the gash on her arm.
One of the hunters glared at him, wrapping him up in aura. Suddenly using the aura as an equivalence to electrifying him.
Skye bit his lip, not making a single sound, glaring back down at the hunters.
She sat next to him pulling the collar of her dress over her shoulder so she could have a closer look herself.
Marco carefully took a wad of bandages abd began to clean the blood away, careful not to hurt her. "Make sure you don't lose that Amulet ok?" He said Crystal.
The hunters glared at him, and Skye's smile of triumph turned to one of malice. "You messed with my girl…" he said ominously, power suddenly brimming in the room, causing the amulet in Crystal's hand to pulse.
She watched it, her fingers twitching in time with the pulses. "I don't know what's happening and I don't think I want to know!"
"That would be Skye dealing with the hunters" said Marco calmly, tying off the bandages. "Something he wouldn't have been able to do if he'd still had that."
She smiled a little. "Well that's good. Right?" She pulled her sleeve back up over her shoulder when he finished.
"Not for them it isn't" said Marco with a grim smile.
Skye, was crouched in the middle of the room. Power pulsing throughout. one hunter was already on the floor, just 5 more to go. "Who's next?" asked Skye, noting the shock in their eyes as violet streaks appeared on his dark skin, "What's wrong?" he asked, "Haven't you ever met an Alta Nebulae before?"
"Well, yeah I expected that. They're probably not going to survive. Or they wouldn't, if it was me there."
One of the hunters tried to attack him, but was met with a glowing strand of Skye coloured aura, and it blew him back against the wall with a flick.
She sighed quietly. "I just hope he'll be okay. I mean, I know he will be, but I can't help but worry. As a girlfriend, it's my job to."
Skye took out another, letting his power flow, letting them feel it, but still only using a small fraction of it. 3 more to go, no. Make that two, let one get away to tell the higher ups to lay off.
"You two are really serious aren't you?" said Marco teasingly.
"I guess you could call us serious." She chuckled softly.
Marco laughed, "Let me know when the wedding is so I can turn up as the best man!"
Skye rushed the last one, taking him out hand to hand, no magic. Two more.
"If we're not dead by then, I will!" She smiled, relaxing a little.
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