Name: Lulu Vohra
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight but exploring
Appearance: Around 5'3", with an inverted triangle body shape. She's from Turkey and has her country's typical dark hair, light brown skin, and narrow, dark brown eyes. Her lips are a lighter shade than most people of the country have, and her hair is cut to her shoulder - much like Agent M from MIB II.
Personality (MBTI or developed): Developed
Background (optional): Grew up loving music, especially rock/pop.
Family: Lulu's family fled back to Turkey, where they thought they would fit it better and be less susceptible to faults. Lulu stayed behind, abandoning her family's traditions for American life. She has no idea what happened to them.
Other: Lulu is Islam, and she can speak fluent arabic, although it's doesn't often happen.
Name: Zyra Everett
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight, but she's exploring
Appearance: Probably around 5'6. Wavy/Curly black hair that's up to her lower back, but there are some days where her hair is a bit straighter. Rich brown eyes with black ring that kinda fades into grey, they look light brown/gold under direct light. Chocolate colored skin with a hint of olive, stitches right above her left eyebrow, and has glasses.
Personality: INFP-T, pessimist, can be super loud or super quiet sometimes, sarcastic af, bit protective of friends, has a hard time trusting people because of her past
Background: You'll see
Family: She's an only child with a normal looking family, except for the fact that her family seems to hate her because 'she has dark skin, she can't take care of herself, she's ugly, she's fat etc.'
Other: I'm terrible at making characters
(Is she okay?)
(eee sorry I'm back)
(Qxeen she's perfect)
Name: Castin Thomas
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, leaning to men
Appearance: 6'2, lanky boyish build, dark olive skin,
Personality: INFP, loyal, sensitive, idealistic, creative, observant, clever
Background: will be told
Family: older sister Freya, parents
Other: French, fluent in the language and has a slight accent in English
So! Plot and roles then. I'd say maybe one of you works for the government willingly or not, so they can meet Castin. And then maybe the other is a friend/client of his, trying to find him?
I'm just throwing out some ideas, feel free to shoot me down
(just because i feel like it, i'm gonna post a reply to this discussion to tell you i'm your new discussion stalker. my job is to stalk this discussion.)
(Well hey discussion stalker :) welcome)
Thank you! And I'm fine with my character being either the one working for the government or the friend/client
Also, I feel like Zyra and Castin will get along very well
I think it would be easier for Lulu being the one that works with the government…she's hotheaded that way.
Alright it's settled then! Zyra as Castin's friend, Lulu as the gov worker. Now plot, or Loops maybe you could have some freedom on what happens once Castin is captured.
Hm…just planning in advance, maybe she sees he has musical talent and gives him a chance?
Considering he was using his music to break the law then I think that'd be a condemning factor
Unless she's unwillingly working for the government in which case she could be doing it because she wants to protect him
alright yeah that seems more plausible
she'll still be aggressive though
Okay. Is there anything else we need to settle?