@saor_illust school
“Do you hear the people sing
Lost in the valley of the night.
It is the music of a people
Who are climbing to the light
For the wretched of the earth
There is a flame that never dies.
Even the darkest night will end
And the sun will rise.”
Victor Hugo
Les Miserables
Plot: Beyond some mountains, far away, there lies a small village, called by the local people, “Les Miserables”. These people have spent their entire life trying to climb to the top of the mountain which lies between them and the rest of society. No-one except them knows of this village, except one girl - Ava. She’s seen this village many times in her dreams, and believes it really exists, though the rest of her family just shake their heads, tired of hearing her “nonsensical fairytale dream”. In the village of Les Miserables, there lies a prophet, annabeth. She speaks only the truth, and nothing else. Recently, Annabeth announced that she’s had a vision, the first one she’s had in a very long time. “There is a flame that never dies. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise,” she says. The flame part, of course is figurative. And the next part refers to Ava. She will be their holy savior, the one who will free them from nature’s prison.
Ava, the main character - me
Annabeth, the prophet of Les Miserables - me
Best friend of Ava -
A complete stranger to Ava -
A member of Ava’s family
Two adult occupants of Les Miserables - _Write_Where_I_Wanna_Be
One child occupant of Les Miserables
One child, yet a stranger to Ava - _Write_Where_I_Wanna_Be
One teen occupant of Les Miserables - me
~ Any negative comments must be made by characters to another character ONLY or about YOUR character, not about others.
~ Be nice to others.
~ At least three sentences per reply please. I’ll try to go by this rule as well.
~ Grammar and spelling! Please check those before replying. I find it hard to reply to a reply that has spelling and grammar errors.
~ Please ask to join first! I’ll most likely accept you, but just so I can keep a running tally of those who have joined!
~ You may have more than one character, like I do.
~ And of course, all of andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules apply. Always. I shouldn’t even have this rule, it’s a must have for ALL threads.
Full name
Looks (pictures okay)
Projected personality
Actual personality
In school?