forum "I feel a little safer when I'm with you..." / oxo / closed!
Started by @red-the-tired-gay

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Paris flushed when Kris touched him and sat up, clearly a bit surprised. "Ah, you don't need to apologize! It's fine, really." He smiled shyly, looking away. "M-Maybe you can meet London some time. She's real sweet. She looks a lot like me, but her hair is just brown. Mine is dyed, so…"


Kris smiled too, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Y-yeah, I'd love to. She seems nice." He rain his fingers through his hair a couple times. "Oh. your hair is dyed? I didn't know that. Honestly, I'd love to dye my hair sometime. Im sick of this color. My mom would kill me, though." He chuckled.


Paris nodded, smiling gently again. "Yeah… sometimes I like to dye it different colors. I kinda like it how it is now, though." He wrapped a lock of his hair around one finger. "I… I think your hair looks nice the way it is, but if you want to dye it, I think you should try it."


"Yeah, I like how your hair looks now too! Especially how you can kinda see some of your natural hair color too, it looks cool." Kris said as he looked at his friend's hair. "You really think so? Th-thanks…I have no idea what color I would dye it if I got the chance, though."


Paris flushed again, still smiling. "Thanks… and yeah. I think you'd look fine with most colors. I could help you dye it if you wanted. I do my own, so I know how to do it properly. You don't have to or anything, though."


Kris's eyes lit up and he smiled a little wider. "Really? That'd be so cool!! I'd love to! Do you think red would look good on me? I've always kinda wanted to dye my hair red."


"Yeah, probably! Like, bright red or auburnish?" Paris asked curiously. "Because you'd probably have to bleach your hair if you wanted to do bright red. I bleached mine some to get it light like this."


"Like, bright red. I'm cool with bleaching it if I gotta." Kris pulled out his phone and looked up a picture of the color he wanted to dye his hair, then showing it to Paris. "See, kinda like that!"


Paris nodded a bit. "Yeah, I think that would look good. Hair dye can be kind of a pain, but it does look good. You gotta make sure you don't get dye all over everything." He laughed softly.


Kris laughed too, running a hand through his hair again. "Yeah, then my mom would really kill me," He joked. Honestly, his mom probably wouldn't care if he dyed his hair. She would be too busy or tired to notice or care. "I can help buy the dye if you want. When do you think we can do this? Ooh, maybe tomorrow night you could stay over and we can do it then. O-only if you want to, of course. And if your dad says it's okay." Kris hoped that if Paris at least gave his dad some notice, he would allow him to stay the night.


"Um… yeah, I could probably do that." Paris smiled softly. "As long as I clear it with him, it should be okay… make sure you have gloves as well. It will stain your hands." He warned. "Bleach isn't really very good for your skin either from what I've gathered. Are you sure your parents are okay with it, though? Both the dyeing your hair and me staying the night."


"Nice." Kris smiled back at him. "Uh, yeah, they should be cool with it. My mom has work until late, and my dad is…away for a bit, so we'll have the house to ourselves, at least until my mom gets home. About dying my hair- usually my mom wouldn't let me, but since we got a good grade on that project and it raised up my math grade, she won't care. Honestly, she's probably just glad I made a friend." He chuckled a little. "I can get the bleach, dye and gloves before you come over tomorrow. Sound good?"


"Alright, I guess it's fine, then… and that sounds good to me." Paris yawned a bit and rubbed at his eyes, shifting where he sat on the bed. "I should probably head back soon so my dad doesn't get mad… and I think London will be home soon too. She isn't spending the night at her friend's house or anything."


"Ok, cool." Kris nodded and smiled at his friend. "Yeah, we should probably get going, then." He stood up and stretched a little, looking down at Paris. "It was fun hanging out with you though! You know, besides the whole fight thing."


Paris nodded as well and got to his feet, stretching and accidentally cracking his back in the process, which made him wince. "Yeah… your should try to avoid picking fights." He laughed weakly. "I got into so many fights in middle school. I was tiny, too, but that never stopped me."


"Heheh, yeah, true. I'll try." He laughed a little and smiled, leading Paris out of the room. "C'mon, let's go." He didn't really care if it was kind of a long walk and that he was hurt, he wanted to walk Paris home anyway.


Paris followed Kris closely, always looking around as he walked to make sure no one was following them. He'd been jumped before, and he wasn't looking for it to happen again. Although he didn't like bothering Kris, it was definitely nice to have another person with him to ward off attackers. "Do you have any homework?"


The taller boy shoved his hands into his pockets and shrugged as he walked. "Probably. I also probably still have homework from the whole past week I didn't do. I'll hopefully end up getting most of it done, though."


"Mm… I think I'm caught up on mine, so I'll probably just go to sleep." Paris shrugged and sighed. "If you need help with any of it, you can text me I guess. And I'll send you pictures of the notes."


Kris nodded and smiled. "Gotcha, will do. Thanks, man." He was glad that their walk to Paris's place wasn't just awkward silence this time. They eventually made it there, and Kris was a little sad that he had to go but knew he was gonna see him again tomorrow. "See ya tomorrow, Paris." He gave the blond boy a soft smile, hoping he would be able to avoid his dad tonight. He just wanted him to be safe.


Paris waved goodbye to Kris and headed inside the house, his smile falling as he turned away. He closed the door as quietly as he could and headed to his bedroom so that he could go to sleep. The next morning at school he looked a bit jittery, but overall okay.


The next school day went by pretty fast, and Kris surprisingly managed to get caught up on some of the schoolwork he had missed. Paris's notes actually made sense, in contrast to his which were basically incoherent scribbles. After school, he went to the store and bought the hair dye and bleach with his own money, incredibly excited for Paris to sleep over that night. He asked his mom over text, and she said it was okay. It was the first time he's had someone sleep over at his house, so it would be a first for him. He just hoped that it would go well. He cleaned up his room a little and waited until it was time for him to come over, which he had told him at school. His heart was basically in his throat- he was really nervous, for reasons he didn't know. I'm just having my friend over for a sleepover, people do this all the time, so why am I so nervous? Maybe because he's really nice…and kinda cute… Kris shook those thoughts from his head, sighing and trying to regulate both his anxiety and his excitement as he waited for the boy to arrive.


Paris ran his fingers through his hair nervously as he walked to Kris' house, careful to keep an eye out so he wouldn't get jumped. He walked quickly, especially whenever he saw someone eyeing him. He figured that Kris would have the bleach and dye by now, and he'd already done his homework at school, and he'd cleared this with his father, so he was feeling alright. Still so nervous he felt he might throw up, but overall alright. He made it to the house and knocked on the door, adjusting his grip on his school bag.


Kris stood up quickly and opened the door, smiling as soon as he saw Paris. "Hey man! Come on in." His nerves toned down a bit, though they were still present, and his stomach had butterflies in it. He didn't know why, though, since this was just like any other time Paris came over. Except they would also be sleeping. Together. He held the door open for his friend and let him come in.


"Hey." Paris smiled softly and headed into the house, still limping and looking a bit nervous. He'd packed himself something to sleep in, but had forgotten to bring different clothes for the next day. At this point, he hadn't thought about that, though. He had another bruise on his chest, and he looked tired. "Do you have the hair stuff?" He asked.