@Mojack group
The world is a tense, dangerous place.
And it’s been made even worse since that…thing landed.
It hasn’t hit any major civilization centres yet, and while no one has managed to capture it, you’ve been able to ward it off. It does seem to have common sense, realizing you vastly outnumber it. But it also appears to be extremely intelligent, learning how your kind works - understanding your strategies, and turning them against you.
That thing is alien - you all can’t deny it. Why it came here, you’re uncertain. It’s big, scaly - bioluminescent, toxic (but not acidic) blood. Some of the guys who’ve survived being up close and personal say it sort of looks like an insect. A scaly insect - now that’s something else.
So far, it’s contained. It usually attacks in the dark. But how long until it breaks free? You hope that the big guns get here soon, so that this thing can finally be taken down for good.
But one night, you’re out alone. Not far from the camp - whether you’re out for a break or whatever, you’re just minding your own business.
Until the sky seems to crack open. Not literally - you know that’s not possible, but something shows up through the clouds, and it’s even more visible due to the night. The thing rumbles, and you’re damn certain other people can probably hear that thing - you’re quite a distance away from it, after all.
It’s nothing like the craft that the monster came in, which was destroyed the moment it exited. No, this thing appears to lower out of the clouds, carefully. It hovers - and something drops out of the ship, into the forest below. The forest that you’re in. That the camp is in, that the monster’s in.
The ship cloaks, and moves back up into the clouds, and out of your sight.
You’re not sure what you just witnessed, if you’re even supposed to have witnessed it. But when you try to inform others, no one believes you - that another party has just entered the equation. They all think it’s the monster - the “Blue Blood,” - not a completely different entity.
You know what you saw wasn’t a hallucination. It wasn’t the Blue Blood. That was something else entirely.
But it’s been days, and there’s been nothing. Nothing came up at all. The only notable thing is that the Blue Blood hasn’t attacked in a while.
You’re going out to change some of the traps today. That’s your job. And if the Blue Blood is sighted, send out a flare.
but what if the other thing appears?
A sci-fi RP involving a human and a Yautja. yeah I’m on my predator hyperfixiation again
the “Blue Blood” is an alien, named for its blood appearance. It towers easily over humans at 14ft, has scales, several limbs extending from its serpentine body (that look very insect like in appearance), tendrils extend from its upper body, and multiple eyes on the face. in addition, mandibles extend from its mouth. while it doesn’t utilize guns, it does utilize its surroundings, capable of climbing trees and jumping quite far. but it can bleed - so it can be killed. it has a stinger on the end of its tail that it uses to paralyze foes. The Blue Blood is believed to have set up a nest in the area where it goes to heal.
if you’re not familiar with a Yautja, it’s an already existing species in fiction, commonly known as a Predator
And if you know what Predators do, then you’d understand what mine is doing on Earth. predators hunt worthy prey. (if they kill something and it’s not worthy, they skin it. if it’s worthy, they take the spine and skull). they are a highly advanced species, and typically utilize cloaking devices that allow them to stalk their prey. they usually don’t harm individuals that aren’t considered a threat. Some of them can speak English (at very least sometimes they can sign it or understand it). they reach physical adulthood at around 50-60, marking them around the human equivalent of 18-19
(Sorry for infodumping)
for this RP, we are going on the basis that no human here has seen a Yautja before (therefore they wouldn’t know what one is).
(your character is a soldier of some type, as to what type is up to you. pilot, medic, sniper, typical, etc)
i have control over the Blue Blood. other soldiers (other than your character) are shared control, meaning we both can make NPCs out of them. you can also bring in additional characters that aren’t soldiers
the setting of the RP is somewhere in the north-eastern European wilderness, far from most civilization.
the Blue Blood is a creation by me.
for rules:
- Play to your strengths, remember your weaknesses: in the event of a fight, no autohitting, but don’t dodge everything either. (with the Yautja, a technology superior species being a thing…note that they have an honour code system that seems to mention this issue. Yautja don’t want an easy hunt, so they will omit using certain gear sometimes to “level the playing field” so to speak)
- Blood/gore is expected in this RP, note that. Cursing is allowed as usual. Mature RPers preferred, due to the nature of this RP.
- Sexytimes should they happen will be fade to black.
- ASK BEFORE JOINING, if I do not know your writing style, I will request a writing sample that has dialogue in it. please don’t be upset if I deny you!
- Punctuation is greatly appreciated, as well as good grammar, but I definitely have made mistakes before.
- You are not required to be incredibly active for this RP, although if it has been a while (like if the RP’s pushed off the first page AND it’s been a little bit) I might bump the RP. however I am not the most active person either. know that I feel super bad about my dead RPs
- My only rule on response length is that I have something to work with.
- again, going back to the note on “we’re going on the basis that no one has ever seen or heard of a Yautja,” there shall be no metagaming. metagaming meaning you use information you learned OOC in RP (without establishing a realistic way on how your character learned that information). so for example, your character would not know that the Yautja have an honour code.
Character template
Age: (21-25)
Specialties: (skills. what they’re good at.)
Other: (anything else of note, goes here)