Not wanting to communicate with Destiny, Blythe ignored him. She glared at Nara, green eyes staring right into her soul. She turned, latching onto Harrison again. "Let's go, Harrison. These freaks don't deserve my-our time. If you're lucky today, I'll take you home." She stalked away.
"That's right, you'd better run." Nara growled, her glare never wavering. She was already busy organizing the school dance, and the committee on charge was less than functional, she didn't have the time for this.
"I'm not running, I'm reassessing my tactics. Don't worry. I'll be back." She let out a little laughed, then sashayed away.
"Fuck you! Get out!" Nara flipped off Blythe, and slammed her locker shut. Why oh why did her first class have to be with that utter witch? At least Destiny sat behind her so they could chat a little. Everyone knew Blythe hardly cared about her grades, she'd probably fail and ooh, what sweet justice that would be.
(Can we have she and Destiny get closer from Destiny volunteering to tutor her? I think that could help with plot, if you don't mind.)
(No that wouldn't work Blythe is really smart
She's the type of girl that has everyone around her finger and gets straight A's cause she can actually get them
But we could have them partnered on a group project and he goes to her place since that's where she's really herself))
"You'll get out of this school before I do!" Blythe said cheerily. "And I would watch your language in the halls." The scary thing about Blythe was that she could get you to do what she wanted, without using any language. She rarely swore, only when she was really angry.
(also Blythe does care about her grades
She locks herself in her room every night and studies or reads a book)
(Okay, group project it is then.)
"Burn in hell…" Nara growled under her breath. "She's gonna make your life terrible, you know. What did you do to piss her off anyways?" Destiny asked. Nara gave him the don't-ask-death-glare and stormed off to their first period.
Blythe and Harrison reached the girl's first period classroom. Blythe reached up an kissed Harrison on the cheek, then walked into the classroom, sitting down.
Nara sat down in her assigned seat… which was right next to Blythe's. Shit. She knew this but dreaded the idea even more, especially the reality. Destiny seated himself behind her and paid careful attention to what the teacher was saying. "…. so, we've been noticing a few problems with bullying around the school. The parent-teacher-student council has thus decided that everyone is going to work together to make a difference! We'll be setting people up into groups of three to four, so you'll get the perfect chance to make friends and break up the little cliques y'all seem so fond of." Mr. Reyes said cheerfully.
(I was thinking more pairs…
And that's not a group project, either)
(Uh, sorry? There is a project thing involved, I promise. We can just make it pairs. If that's what you'd want. Sorry that I'm kinda flying blind here.)
(So it's just pairs now, got it.) "First pair, Lindsey and Brian. Next pairing, Nara and Aubrey. Third pair…." Mr. Reyes droned on and on, until the last pair, "Blythe, and uh… Destiny? Right. Destiny. Now, as to the assignments…" it was just about making some stupid poster and coming up with a plan of action to stop bullying around the school. Who cares, just make some "why can't we be friend" shit and go home. What really kicked you in the ass was that it was 75% of your final grade. "I want your projects to be original, kids. No slackers, I can tell who's put in real effort and who hasn't!" Mr. Reyes concluded. Well, shit.
"Please go and sit with your paired partner." Blythe didn't move. She shot a glare towards Nara, and the girl reluctantly moved. Destiny took her place.
"Look. I care about my grades. You're not messing up my record. Come to my place tonight. I'll make Pyper help us."
"I care about my grades too, okay? I do study, it's a higher priority of mine than sleeping around. You don't need to make whoever this "Pyper" is help us, I think we'll be fine Blythe. My dad knows a lot about this stuff, we can hang over at my place to start working if you'd like?" Destiny asked.
"No. My place. That's final." She sighed. "Relax. I'm not gonna try anything with you. I care too much about my grades and I never do anything at my house."
"Jesus bleeding Christ, I didn't think you would! I'm demi, and I'm not interested in anyone here. Why would I assume you'd try anything, Lady Syphilis?" he quipped, then realized how hurtful that was and corrected with a hasty apology. "Listen, I'd just rather do this at my house. I've never been to anyone's house other than…"
"Let's go over to my place tonight." he purred, hands going too low for Destiny's comfort. But he still had to agree, you couldn't argue with him. He woke up in an unfamiliar bed and memories he could vaguely make out, bottles of some sort of alcohol littered on the floor and a feeling that must have been a hangoved. "Here, just have one beer, wimp. What, you don't trust me to take care of you if you get drunk?"
"I'm sorry. I just have a few trust issues. Maybe we could compromise? Library?" he asked, voice cracking a little, eyes straining to keep any fluid from leaking.
Blythe's eyes bore into him, taking in his emotions. "No." She said simply. "You're coming to my place, and that's final." She took out her phone and started to scroll through Instagram. Mr Reyes took no notice, or pretended not to. He didn't want to get on his student's bad side, as she would most likely inform her mother of her treatment.
"I- okay, fine, if you're gonna be a bitch about it." he rolled his eyes in disgust. He didn't care if Blythe just zoned in on her phone, not like she cared about the lesson. It was just homeroom, sure, but there still might be some important information he should know. Why did he nearly break down over something so stupid? He didn't care, he didn't need to care, he could handle going over to a stranger's house (something he hasn't done since he was eight, but whatever). Even if that stranger wasn't much of a stranger and happened to be Blythe.
(im gonna skip to the end of the day)
The doorbell rang in the Hayes household. Pyper, Blythe's redhead little sister, opened the door.
"Blythe! Someone's here to see you!"
"Who is it?!"
"What's your name?" Pyper whispered.
"Destiny!" She yelled back.
"Let him in! I'll be there soon!"
Pyper let him into the house, closed the door and stood there. She never knew when she was intruding onto people, even though she was 14.
"Soooo… Pyper, right? I'm Destiny. Um, question, do the skirt and blouse look alright with the leggings?" he asked, gesturing to the dark grey pencil skirt and button-up shirt with the light grey, tight, thigh-highlighting leggings that ended with a pair of black socks and black flats. "I'm just experimenting a little, better to get fashion advice from more than one person than just a friend who's able to be wrong." he chuckled awkwardly.
(hey just a tip, that was one really long sentence. you should break it up more: gesturing to the dark grey pencil skirt matched with a button-up shirt. This was paired with tight, thigh-high grey leggings and black socks. A pair of black flats was added to the ensemble.
it seems too crowded if its in one long sentence separated by commas)
Pyper looked over the outfit. "I can't really help you, I'm not much of a fashion expert. That's Blythe's department. I prefer sport."
Blythe then came down the stairs. "Leave him alone, Pyper." Blythe wore loose pajama pants and a slightly over-sized shirt. She wore a huge jumper and fluffy grey slippers. There was no trace of makeup on her face and she wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses. Her brown hair was tied in a high but loose ponytail. She saw Destiny's expression. "What? Surprised?"
(Shit, sorry. I'm getting better with sentence structure but even though it's my first (and only) language I guess English just hates me)
"No… well yes, but I just think…" he didn't know how to say it without Blythe hating him. "You look better like this. Let's go upstairs and get started!" he said, slack-jawed awe turning into his usual cute puppy grin. He wasn't hot or domineering, but he was cute, and he made it work. Destiny wasn't good with stairs, so he stumbled a bit, but got to the top without falling.
Blythe watched him fumble up the stairs, and it took her a few moments to realise she was blushing. She quickly walked up the stairs, catching up to Destiny easily. "My room is over here," She said, leading him towards it.
"Okay, cool. Any ideas for how to begin?" he asked, standing by the door.
She sat on the edge of her bed. "What was the project supposed to be again? I've kind of forgotten. Nothing popped into my head so I kinda just forgot."
"We're supposed to do an anti-bullying poster and then make a presentation on how we can work towards a more friendly community in the school. Kinda just a bunch of bullshit since this never works in any school, but slacking off or not doing it at all takes a hit to the good old grades, so I guess we have to." Destiny rolled his eyes.