forum “Hinder me no more. Or so it says, at least” (OxO, Mature, Closed)
Started by @Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc made a soft noncommittal sound and shrugged, not willing to admit that he didn't completely understand it either, but dropping that topic all the same.

But his smirk grew when he caught Nok’s expression at the nickname. He certainly wasn't going to stop using it as long as the vampire in question was around.

“It's because they're young, stupid, volunteers that makes them so annoying.” Marc agreed, a little exasperated by the thought of that group of vampires. “But I‘ll take your word about their “mothers”. I’ve been lucky enough to not come across… or at least, I don't think I have come across many.” he mused, uncertainly. He did raise a brow at the information regarding how Nok became a vampire. It wasn't exactly surprising that it had been involuntary, many were, but it explained his dislike of the one who turned him. But, again, that wasn't uncommon.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Nok’s frown deepened as Marc’s smirk grew. He then sighed and shook his head. He suspected that his reactions were only further encouraging the hunter.

“Just like that damned lizard jester…”he muttered to himself.

Nok shrugged,”Most of the ‘mothers’ are teens themselves, especially as of recent times, so it’s hard to tell the difference. The few adult ones still around were either told to make a subsidiary clan by their matriarch, or they were lieutenants that rebelled.”

He noted Marc’s raised eyebrow and sighed.

“If you want to ask, then ask. I won’t promise that I’ll give many details though. My so-called ‘rebirth’ is not something I like to think about,”he said, brushing a hand through his hair.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Marc chuckled to himself as Nok mumbled something against him.

“Well, that doesn't make that situation any easier.” he sighed, pushing his hair back. “And I feel like I mentioned I’m not very knowledgeable on vampiric politics, so I don't know how much a subsidiary would help. But the rebellious ones don't surprise me at all.”

He knew his expression was obvious so it made sense that Nok would guess what he was thinking. But he just shook his head at the offer. “I’m not going to lie, I am curious but I don't want to pry and bring up… well, I guess this counts as ancient history, huh?” he smirked awkwardly at his attempt to lighten the mood. “There’s no changing it so the only point in talking about it is if you want to tell me.”

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

Nok noticed Marc’s chuckle, but didn’t otherwise respond to it. No need to encourage him more.

“Exactly. And, whether you mentioned it or not, it’s not surprising. The clans don’t like outsiders, as you’re likely aware. More or less, large clans will spawn subsidiary clans when they grow too big for their current area. They become outposts, serving mostly as a marker of future expansion. And, when one clan decides to create an outpost in another’s territory, you get a clan war. Like dogs fighting over which end of the stick they want. The fucking idiots often do it in a city too, which always attracts hunters. And, they wonder why few clans get very big, and why rebellions are common,”Nok said, his explanation turning into a small rant.

Nok hummed pensively at Marc’s words, not amused by his poor attempt at a joke. His eyes bored into the man for a long moment as he debated telling the tale of his maker or not. Then, with a subtle shake of his head, he turned away.

“Well, suffice to say, he tricked me and I got more than what I bargained for. Or, less, if you want to be technical, since I died as a result,”he mentioned, his tone growing sour.