@Mojack group
- the condition or period of an animal or plant spending the winter in a dormant state.
- an extended period of remaining inactive.
When the Water Wars began, it was gradual - many people wanted to deny it. The competition for water was appearing. People would take up arms to defend their water - soon, water was seen more like the current world’s oil - valuable resource, but unlike oil, a need, a requirement for life. Even within the cities, water became scarce, rationed. There was still plenty of water left. There were the oceans. But most people didn’t have the technology to make the ocean water drinkable. Freshwater was the problem here. And because of that, many people began to rely on the government.
asteroids were believed to have been some of the primary source’s for Earth’s water. but 3 billion years ago, something else came on those asteroids.
but what if it wasn’t an asteroid?
The “war” in the Water Wars is not without meaning.
You are a soldier - you could have always been one, or maybe you joined up later in life, after a different occupation.
And you’ve been sent to secure a water source in South America - alongside others, of course. Your country hopes that your group gets there before anyone else (if you’re second, or other, you’ll have to fight for it). Secure the source, prepare to transport it back. That’s what goes on. Defend if needed.
mankind has gone on long enough, ignorance has plagued their minds for too long. they will be their own undoing.
And then it’s rinse and repeat. Some breaks in between. But the water must be secured.
This time might be a bit different.
Sci-fi RP taking place in the future on Earth in a less than ideal situation. Crappy government. Crappy everything. Let me just say it’s not looking good. There’s also an alien in it, who could be the key to some human problems….
Rp notes:
- one alien, who I’ll be playing. alien is capable of changing form, slightly limited in ability to do so (explained in rp)
- you play the soldier. to elaborate on early sentences, you can actually decide if this character has always been a soldier, or they had a previous occupation (they weren’t drafted, they joined up at some point for whatever reason, you can decide what this reason was)
- conditions again are less than ideal. some coastal cities have been lost to the ocean, small island countries even. weather and climate has gotten irregular and worse, and people in this universe dare say it’s not even at its worst point yet.
- water is rationed. sometimes people protest against this. certain countries are more ideal to live in than others, but still suffer from multiple problems.
- current year is 2102
Rules, read before joining.
- Swearing is allowed.
- Blood and violence is allowed; there is a time and place for everything. But it probably will be fairly common in this - they didn’t call it the Water Wars for nothing.
- Sexytimes probably won’t happen (romance could), because I am not confident in writing them, and uncomfortable in writing them in a RP setting; please respect this.
- Mature RPers preferred.
- Good grammar is appreciated, but we make mistakes every now and then.
- No one liners. Three sentences minimum.
- No autohitting, but don’t dodge everything. Play to your strengths, but remember weaknesses.
- Ask questions as needed.
- If I am not familiar with your RP style, I will ask for a sample. Have a writing sample with dialogue at ready.
- Ask before joining.
TEMPLATE, remove brackets
Age: (any age, but less than 51 and has to be an adult)
Background: (can be as long or as short as you want. keep secrets and reveal as needed)
Relationships: (anyone of importance in their social circle. friends, family, etc)