@ScotchTapeWorm group
Duncan felt his center of gravity shift. Suddenly what had been the wall was down, and that meant he was falling. What was previously down was now a wall. But he was still standing on that wall, so it was more like he was shoved backwards.
He landed against the elevator wall, coughing. He growled softly. That was just mean. He would have left eventually! He tried to reload, but the door were shut, the metal making a groaning, unhappy sound at moving so quickly. Duncan coughed again, rubbing his chest.
Nothing was broken at least, despite the speed of his movement, but he'd definitely have some bruises. He tried tapping the 'open door' button, but the elevator gave another grumble, a shriek or two as it tried its best, then stopped. Another sigh, nothing could just be simple could it?
Snake Eyes rolled again, a 3 and a 5. Not bad, he'd have to aim manually though. He glanced up, noting the cheapness of the ceiling, instead of metal, it was those thin ceiling tiles made of mineral wool and air. He tried not to grumble as he aimed his firearm skyward, shooting off a single shot. It was enough to crumble the ceiling, it's not like he was firing real bullets after all.
With the ceiling out of the picture, Duncan was able to get up and haul himself upwards, standing precariously on the top of the elevator. The shaft wasn't too well maintained, but with a deep sigh, he grabbed onto the hoisting rope, and started to pull himself upwards. He just needed to get to an open door, and then he could get back to Zero.
Duncan had promised in his bet that he wouldn't do anything if Zero decided to do anything with the VIP, he hadn't bet that he wouldn't still try to apprehend them.