forum Hero x villain (Oxo) ( closed)
Started by @Endlessness2024

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Name: Phoenix Hart
Bio: Phoenix Hart was born with the power of fire manipulation but she struggled to control her abilities until she was taken under the wing of a secret organization known as The Protectors Now as a trained and skilled hero Phoenix fights to protect the innocent and uphold justice in a world where villains are constantly trying to gain power.
Plot: When she meets a charming and seductive villain, she finds herself torn between her duty as a hero and her growing feelings for her enemy.

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Name- Glippy
Appearance- completely made of various shades of green slime, humanoid shape.
Bio- Glippy was born a normal human girl, but she was born in captivity to a secret government project trying to make superhuman soldiers to fight in wars. Glippy, deemed a failure, was to be killed, but she managed to escape through a drain pipe. Now, practically unable to be captured, she terrorizes the country that treated her as an object to be used an thrown away.


Phoenix sat on the roof of a building, humming quietly to herself. her purple locks of hair blew in the cold wind, making her tremble and shiver. She hated being alone sometimes, but she had no choice.

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Glippy, on her way back to her base, noticed a girl with purple hair sitting in a roof. Phoenix, the super'hero' who kept stopping Glippy from getting justice on the country that abandoned her. Glippy was going to keep going, no need to cause a fight right now, but something of Phoenix's face caused her to stop. She oozed to the top of the building, staying out of Phoenix's sight. "Are you alright?"


She jumped and almost fell off the roof, but she caught herself and brushed herself off. She wasn't in her heroine suit, she just looked like an ordinary 12th grader.

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Glippy, not having a more human-looking form, recognized the hair. She wasn't 100% sure it was Phoenix, but she thought it might be, and either way the girl looked like she needed some company. Glippy still stayed out of sight. "I'm sorry. You just looked a bit lonely. I thought I might give you some company…"