Lilly giggled. She would show him what she could do. She focused her rays on the pair. Soon, they grew too hot and parted, panting slightly. She focused her attention on the man now, since the girl was in Roy's domain. Soon, he was trying to get into the shade too.
Roy sighed and made the shadow stretch. Just long enough so the two could sit comfortably next to the other with out being on top of them. "Happy?" He asked turning to Lilly.
"Yeah yeah. Whatever." Roy rolled his eyes, amd continued petting his cat. Enjoying how it'd yet to try and scratch his eyes out.
Lilly sat prettily on the edge of the bench.
Roy couldn't deny the fact that Lilly was pretty, or how she seemed to never be down. "You're basically a little kid aren't you? Always happy."
Lilly gave a smile; if she had been human, it could have been described as having a faint shadow of sadness. On Lilly, however, she simply didn't smile as big as usual.
"Always." Except for that time…
Roy noticed how her smile wasn't as big as always. "Hey whoa sorry, it was just a joke I swear." He held up his hands in defeat.
Her smile grew.
"You didn't say anything wrong, Roy."
He raised an eyebrow at her suddenly bigger smile. He wanted to call her creepy, but decided against it.
Lilly looked back at the couple.
"Do you ever envy them? Humans, I mean. They can go wherever, do anything they want."
"Sometimes." Roy admitted quietly. And he did, he envied how they could touch someone. He knew it was a human thing, but sometimes he found himself wanting a hug, or to hold someone's hand.
Lilly sighed.
"Ah, well." She looked into Roy's eyes.
"I'm not always happy, for happiness depends on what happens. I have joy."
Roy raised an eyebrow at the topic change. But just rolled with it, he nodded his head. "Well then you're very joyful."
Lilly laughed.
"It's hard not to be, when you're me."
"What makes you so happy anyways?" Roy slid onto the bench that the happy couple was on,while speaking.
"Well… probably just seeing how happy I make people. Except for heliophobics. They're terrified of me." Lilly smiled.
"Well I can't imagine anyone being afraid of you, sunshine." He smiled to before putting his cat down. Letting it run off to go harass some random person who'd caught its eye.
Lilly rolled her eyes.
"Tell them that." She grinned.
"You see, I would," Roy shrugged, "if I could." The whole people not being able to see them predicament.
Though he could cast shadows in the form of letters if he really wanted.
"Yeah. Ever wish they could? See us, I mean." Lilly pondered the thought.
"Not really. I like my little world consisting of you and my cat." Roy winked, back at his flirting again. "You'd be famous, I like having you all to myself."
Lilly blushed.
"You act as if you wouldn't be too."
"Well, you'd be more so out of the two of us. Bright and happy, you where made for the spotlight, sunshine." Roy said.
"Roy, I am the spotlight." Lilly giggled.