(I'm sorry, again. I'm still running low on inspiration.)
Dylan smiled lightly in return, before picking up his sandwich. "Just another lovely Saturday." He hummed a bit, slowly eating his food. "I really don't know if I can miss a couple weeks of this, after your surgery."
"you'll survive I know you will" she said leaning over to kiss his cheek
"I don't know… that's a long time from now…" Dylan huffed a little, still pouting.
" You can do it hun I believe in you" she said
"I still don't know…" Dylan mumbled, dropping his head on her shoulder. "I can't get cuddle time."
"yes you can you just have to do the cuddling" she said
"I doubt they'll let me curl up in bed with you." Dylan pointed out, nuzzling into her shoulder.
"But I need your cuddles to recover" she pointed out with a pout
"Convince your doctors that. I don't want to try and push my luck, more than I already am." He hummed, kissing her cheek.
The pout stayed on her face and she crossed her arms
"I'm not the bad-guy here. Your doctors are." Dylan told her lightly, nosing her cheek instead.
She turned her head to look at him
"I'll snuggle if they say I can." Dylan hummed, before pulling back to eat.
''Well that not gonna happen' she said with a pout
"But you haven't even tried yet. Give it a shot, and see what happens." Dylan hummed a little, kissing her forehead.
She huffed, and took a bite out of her sandwich
"Come on, don't be pouty." Dylan hummed, finishing off his own food.
" I can't help it" she said
"Sure you can," Dylan hummed, setting his plate aside. After doing so, he scooted closer and started nuzzling into her. "Enjoy the moment we have right now. Don't think about the future. Just think about now, how your boyfriend loves you and wants to be close and cuddly with you."
" I think that's the first time you've labeled yourself as my boyfriend" she said
"Mmm, is it?" Dylan asked lightly, still nuzzling against her. "I didn't realize. Thought I had said it earlier."
She nuzzled into his shoulder " I love you Dylan Fitzpatrick" she said
"I love you too, red." Dylan hummed a little, leaning in to her nuzzling. "You're probably the best thing that's ever happened to me."
She pulled back to look at him " R-Really?" She asked
"Of course! It's been a long time since anything good has happened. It's really nice." Dylan hummed, leaning back into her.