@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
After a few minutes more, a waitress came and took their order. Once she had left, Dylan turned back to her with a soft sigh. "Let's hope it doesn't take too long."
After a few minutes more, a waitress came and took their order. Once she had left, Dylan turned back to her with a soft sigh. "Let's hope it doesn't take too long."
"I'm sure it won't" she smiled at him
"Mm, good. I'm hungry." Dylan told her with a light laugh. "Anyways, how was your day, today?"
"It was good I had practice with my group and I saw my dad" she said
At the mention of her dad, he smiled lightly. “I’m happy to hear that. How’s he doing?” Dylan asked softly.
" Sick but he still remembers who I am and that's all I ask for if he forgot me I'd have no one" she said
"You'd have me." He put in, knowing it sounded stupid. Everything he said sounded stupid to him. "I- I mean… I'd be there to comfort you."
She smiled "If I could reach you I'd kiss your cheek" she admitted
"Well, other than me having a madly flushed face afterwards, I'd really quite like that." Dylan told her with a smile.
"unfortunately I cannot reach" she teased
"Well, I guess you owe me a kiss later." Dylan told her, his smile turning in to a smirk.
She bit her lip with a smile "hm okay that seems fair" she said
"Alright, good. I wouldn't want to miss my chance." Dylan hummed, smile softening once again.
She giggled, blushing a dark shade lowering her head
(I apologize I keep not responding. My creativity is kind of lacking right now.)
Reaching out, he tipped her chin back up. "Hey, you don't need to hide your flush."
She shook her head "I kinda do it's embarrassing" she said
"But it's cute…" Dylan mumbled, giving her a light pout. "It's a cute look on you."
She smiled looking at him,Still blushing
Dylan smiled back, not quite sure what else to say.
She quickly let go of his hand when the pizza was placed in between them on the table
Perking up a bit, he took one of the plates set down besides them. "Ladies first," Dylan hummed, sliding the other plate over to her.
She giggled cutely before taking one slice of pizza and putting it on her plate
Dylan watched her, before carefully taking a slice for himself. "Tell me what you think."
She nodded and took a bit "ohmy gosh. . .this is so good I haven't had pizza in months"
"Ahh, glad you like it." Dylan hummed, smiling softly as he started to eat his own food. "But why has it been so long?"
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