forum "He left behind more than just a legacy." // One-On-One // CLOSED (MORE MATURE)
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@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Another man from down the hall a bit started to cause a commotion. Scream-crying filled the air, putting Sunny on edge even more.
Was it his fault?
If he hadn't come to find Kaiya in the first place, would she have gotten the gun?
Everything, in retrospect, was his fault.
Hell, he could probably link himself to his classmates' death too.
"It's a sad world we live in~" he sung to himself, as guards ran down the hall to retain the hysterical inmate

Deleted user

"What happened next?"
"Colton had a tight grip on me. I pushed him away just before Sunny got there. I ran into the bathroom when Colton was distracted and I think they fought a little. I'd taken one of my dad's guns a few months ago because I was scared of Colton, and I grabbed it. I walked back out and Sunny got distracted. Colton knocked him out and when I was worried about him he came towards me, so I shot his leg."

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

The man was out of his cell and on the ground now.
He was mumbling in a strange tongue, convulsing like he was possessed,
His head snapped up at one of the guards, baring into his eye sockets,
"Bring him" he spoke calmly, not breaking eye contact,
"He knows what he did"
Another guard tazed him before he could explain any further, and the previous one backed away, clearly shaken.
What ever drug that guy on, Sunny made a mental note to never take it.
Still, the calm manner of the mans voice, and how he was so sure about what he said,
It made Sunny's stomach knot in a strange way.

Deleted user

Kaiya was silently urged to continue.
"We kinda just stood in a stalemate for a bit. I bent back down to try and wake Sunny up and Colton moved towards me again. In my panic I just pulled the trigger. And…it went through his forehead. I didn't mean to do it, but I was scared. Sunny had nothing to do with Colton's death. He had no part in it. It was me."

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

The day dragged on as Sunny best around his head.
Fuck, who knew isolation was so fucking boring?
A guard entered the locked hall and walked down to Sunnys cell, unlocking it.
"Come on," he huffed,
"It's your turn to be questioned."

Deleted user

"If he had no part in it, why did we find Mr June's fingerprints on Colton's body?"
"Because…he wanted to hide it. I knew I could plead self-defense but he didn't have any faith. He wanted to cut the body up and drive it far away. But I told him no. If there was anyway we were getting out of this it wasn't that way."

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Sunny sat in the small, barren room and waited for someone to come bother him. The clocked ticked on, fueling his anxiety through the roof. Eventually, a short, fat middle aged white man entered and sat down.
"State your full name."
"Sunny Raymond June."
"Date of birth?"
"7th of October, 2002."
The man lent back in his chair, studying him closely.
"What happened, Mr June?"

Deleted user

The people investigating Kaiya began to stand up and leave.
"Wait, don't leave me alone!"
They ignored her, leaving her alone.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Sunny swallowed,
"Uh- I'm not really sure. When i got there Colton was already on the floor, so we got into a fist fight. He hit me really hard and then my head hit the floor and i had a seizure. He was dead when I woke up."

Deleted user

As Kaiya was left alone, she began to panic. The weight of her actions were truly dawning on her.
She didn't know what would happen. She didn't know if she could get away with it.
She didn't know what her parents would do. She didn't know what they would think.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"So your claiming to have no part in this investigation?"
"That is correct, officer."
"Are you sure that's the whole truth?"
Sunny stiffened, suddenly unsure about his statement,
"Um- yes. That is what i believe to be the truth."
The office shifted forward, leaning his forearms on the desk and linking his hands.
"Miss Whelan said you you intended to dispose of the body by dissecting it and burying it. Is this true, Mr June?"
Sunny's face drained of blood,
"I-I'm sorry, could you repeat the question?"

Deleted user

What was happening with him?
She'd known he had been arrested.
Was he being questioned?
Was what she had said being held against him?
Had she ruined his chances of getting away?

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"Did you or did you not intend to tamper with the victim's body?"
Sunny couldn't breathe. He was done for. He knew they should have hidden the body and never speak of it. He KNEW it!
"Mr June, please answer the question truthfully."
"…yes officer, I did plan on disposing of Colton's body on some family property."
"Right," the man stood up and left without a word, leaving Sunny alone in the dank room.
He could just end it here, right?
He could take his life and skip all the legal and guilt bullshit.
But how would he? The room was empty besides the table and chair tucked away in the corner.

He wonders what his mother was thinking. Knowing her son had become the one thing he vowed to hate.

Deleted user

Kaiya started to take deep breaths.
They were still shaky.
She stood up and began to walk around the room.
She twisted her hands together.
"What the fuck have I gotten myself into?"

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

The man entered the room again, about 15 minutes later.
"Alright, I have some questions to ask you now. You'll be hooked up to a polygraph, so remember to be truthful.
A woman walked in and placed a large monitor on the desk, helping herself to feeling Sunny up and attaching stickers to his bare chest.
"We'll start with some simple, warmup questions. Is your full name Sunny Raymond June?"
Sunny gulped afraid of the results the machine would give him."
"Y-yes, sir."

Deleted user

Kaiya just kept repeating the phrase.
It was all that was in her mind.
Nothing else.
She just repeated it.
Over and over and over and over.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"Were you born in Dubin, Ireland?"
"Do you have any relation to Ms Whelan?"
Sunny hesitated, though he supposed it was too late to lie now."
The woman scribbled down notes every time he spoke, putting him more and more on edge,
"Were you involved in the assault of the victim?"

Deleted user

The door opened and Kaiya turned to look at it.
Almost immediately, she wished it was Rylee.
He would have comforted her.
He would have understood.
But it wasn't Rylee.
It would never be.

Deleted user

"Ms Whelan?"
"Mr June is currently being questioned a few rooms over. He is taking part in a polygraph test."
"If he's doing one, shouldn't I?"
"There's no need for that."

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"I-it was self-defence, sir."
"But you weren't being attacked, is that correct?"
"No sir, I was not targeted," he whispered,
"When you assaulted him- did things go art?"
"What do you mean?"
Sunny kept his head straight as the man moved closer to his ear,
"Did you kill, Mr June?"

Deleted user

"Why not? I'm the one who killed Cotton! I'm more at fault than him!"
"Please do not raise your voice, Ms Whelan."
"Why not?! I'm so frustrated and lost! I just killed someone! I've been arrested! I lost my brother a few weeks ago and now I'm gonna lose what little respect for me that my parents had!"

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

"No, I did not," he said, voice wavered.
The man sighed at looked over at the lady, who just spared him a dead glance before returning to scribbling down notes.
"That's enough questions, Mr June. We've been in contact with your Grandparents, and they've agreed to hold you until your court dates."
"When are the court dates?"
"We don't know yet. You'll stay in holding until your Grandmother arrives to collect you, after which you will be under house arrest until further notice. Thank you for your corporation."
And with that, he was lead back to his cell.

Deleted user

Kaiya took a deep breath.
"What's going to happen to us?"
"Never mind what is happening to Mr June. You, Ms Whelan, are being let into your home. You will have free reign of the city, but you will not be allowed to leave the city."
"That doesn't seem right. I killed someone."
"This is the order of your parents."

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

The night slipped by as Sunnys mind wondered.
What was his father doing right now?
Sunny hadn't heard from him in months- he thought being arrested and accused of murder would be enough to bring the old man through.

The door to the holding cells opened slowly, as a petite figure weaved over to him.
She smiled softly, the sight of her shaking him,
"Hey, you left your phone in class, just wanted to return it."