@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
Mallory felt her head pounding, louder and louder.
"Stop it!" She yelled dropping to the ground holding her head in anguish. She was breathing heavily and groaned in pain.
Mallory felt her head pounding, louder and louder.
"Stop it!" She yelled dropping to the ground holding her head in anguish. She was breathing heavily and groaned in pain.
Tempest sent a controlled shock through the containment chamber and the thing passed out cold. He then keeled by the girl "It's okay Mallory." He put his hand on her shoulder "It's not awake anymore."
The creature's thoughts seemed…organized and rational….fearful and confused even.
She shook her head still holding it. She was on the ground making anguished groans. "Make it stop…"
Tempest looked pained to do it but put the shock to a lethal level and snuffed out the only sample he had ever been able to collect
She took a deep breath feeling her pain subside. She had tears in her eyes and looked up at Tempest. "I-I…"
He keeled down lower and picked her up in an almost brotherly caring matter "Shhh I'm so sorry I should have know that wasn't safe." a tear forming in his good eye as well.
She shook holding him close. "Did you kill it?" She asked muffled by his shoulder.
"it's dead…it can't hurt you anymore Mal." He whispered, still holding her in a protective embrace.
"I'm sorry Temp- I should've thought it through better…" She sighed rocking back and forth.
"No this is my fault…I'm the one who should think these things through." he said, slowly shifting to his canine-like form
She held him tight snuggling close. "W-well I should at least tell you what I heard- er saw?" She said confused herself.
"Only if you want to." He said softly
"Spread. Over and over." She said softly.
"well…it is a virus…but it had a brain…maybe I'm wrong."
She pulled away crossing her arms around her. She was pale and shaky and she just looked sick in general. "Maybe…"
"Hey get rest if you need it or visit Charlie please I'll walk because well…" He chuckled a little "My work here is done for right now until I get another sample."
"I'm sorry Temp…" She whispered attempting to stand. She used a table for support.
"It's okay. Just have collect another sample it's not the end of the world." He assured her, sticking close by in case she needed help
She nodded. "I'm just going to ask for your help, there's no way I can make it to the doctor alone."
He shrunk back into his human form she he was closer to her height "Alright let's go then." He held out his hand to her
(I gtg, see y'all tomorrow)
She took his hand on held in a death grip. She put a hand on her stomach and held him tight.
"Can you walk? I can always carry you if you need." Tempest offered
"I- I really don't want you to have to." She said softly. "I can walk."
Jake then stopped reading the book, baffled on how to cast such magic.
Tempest nodded and was right there for her all the way back to the med-bay.
Inside the book cover back in the library, the name Rose Williams was scrawled
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