forum Group Therapy (closed)
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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Name: Magnus Ellis
Age: 14
Gender: male
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Appearance: this is a picture a user here drew of him. Magnus is a thin boy with almost no body fat. He has very slight arm muscles buts that's it, pale skin, like a very light brown. His best friend Nathan calls him an albino at times. Magnus has light brown hair with natural dark brown and black streaks, it has a windblown look to it. It's short and spiky with slight bangs. He has big blue eyes with a black ring around the iris and weighs 85 lbs about 40 kgs
Reason for having been in the ward: Magnus was abused as a child by someone his parents called a brother. Years after he started getting into fights and being very aggressive towards the male 'jocks' at his high school.
Diagnosed Illnesses: bipolar with slight ptsd
Tics: I'll do that later
Triggers: I'll do that later

:O you kept the drawing!? XD

@Anemone eco

Name: Wren Johnston-Sirius

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Preferred Pronouns: He/him and She/her

Appearance: Wren's hair is styled like this and is naturally black, but dyed white towards the ends. Wren has sandy coloured skin and has light freckles dusting his nose. Wren stands at 5'4" and has very thin features. Wren's usual outfit when feminine is something along these lines. Wren's out it on days when he is feeling more masculine is more like this.

Reason for having been in the ward: His/her parents had separated recently and it drove him/her to a point of near insanity. He/she became extremely violent toward his/her father(who had won custody of him/her) and had attempted multiple times to murder him/her. They thought that the problem was going to be solved if custody was given to his/her mother, but it didn't. Instead, he/she only became violent with his/her mother instead and constantly yelling at people for the smallest things. In other cases, he/she burst into fits of laughter or tears for what seemed to be no apparent reason. He/she had threatened the lives of multiple people and it had gotten to a point that people felt that they had no choice but to send him/her to the ward.

Diagnosed Illnesses: Pseudobulbar affect. Wren wasn't diagnosed with anything else due to the fact that most doctors flat out refuse to see him/her for anything aside from what is required. I.e. physical checkups.

Tics: Though it cannot be seen, Wren crunches his/her toes. In addition to that, he/she curls her/his fingers and flicks them back out a lot.

Triggers: Having people he cares about leave him/her. Pink carnation flower.(It's what his/her mother gave him/her when she received custody of him/her).

(Are they good?)


Name: Adrielle Danvers
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Preferred Pronouns: She/her
Appearance: Adrielle looks like the most innocent thing in the world. She has long white blonde hair and pale skin. She has delicate, doll-like features, and is absolutely beautiful. She is short, about 5'4'', and curvy. She is petite, and seems like she could be blown away at the first breath of wind. Her eyes are a wide, innocent shape, and she is very good at looking confused, naive, or anything like that. She is very good at acting. Her eyes are a clear, icy blue, with what looks like fractures in them, giving her eyes the appearance of shattered glass. They are the only thing she can't hide, or disguise, full of malice and hatred and anger, and loneliness. She gives off the aura of a psycho, someone to stay away from, someone to watch and be careful of. She has a tattoo on her wrist, of the words "Fuck you too" in beautiful script.
Reason for having been in the ward: After being neglected very strongly by her parents for her entire life, she got into arson, and she has seriously injured several people, and killed one person.
Diagnosed Illnesses: Bipolar, OCD, delusional disorder, PTSD
Tics: Clenching her fists when she's mad, annoyed, or just bored, so that her nails dig into her palm. Twirling her hair between her fingers and widening her eyes in an unconscious attempt to look innocent when she is trying to intimidate someone, or when she's annoyed and trying not to show it. Will fiddle with anything she can get her hands on, really, and twirl it between her fingers.
Triggers: Mention of love or family, the sight of fire, extreme heat or cold

Deleted user

Nathaniel slipped into the therapy office, frowning a smidge. Susan, the therapist he had been going to since he had gotten out of the ward had recommended group therapy with her and a few of her other patients.
He sat down, eyes tracing every person in the room.

Deleted user

Azu fidgeted with her shirt, stretching it horizontally. She didn't like this, didn't ask for this. She hated this, and faint, lingering thoughts of hating herself remained–she hadn't told anyone, she found it as normal now. Azusa nodded to the person entering as she kept her head down.


Adrielle crossed her arms, slumping in the chair, looking for the world like she didn't want to be there. Which, of course, she didn't. She scowled at everyone in the room, eyes flashing.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(i had five huge paragraphs written up for my starting post and it got deleted because my phone died so I have no motivation to do that. Sorry if my replies are short guys…)

Deleted user

"So, uh… Hi. I'm…Azu. What're y'all in for?" Azusa said in a small, hoarse voice. She hadn't spoken in a while, and that was obvious.

Deleted user

"My name is Nathaniel." The dark-haired boy started. "I have been diagnosed with anti-social personality disorder, among other things." He moved his head to look toward the person named Azu, hair shifting just enough to reveal the mass of scarred skin that covered where his left eye should be.

@Anemone eco

Wren ran a hand through his hair as he looked around the room. He scrunched his toes multiple times as he spoke. "My name's Wren," he began, his voice quiet but for some reason dripping with irritation. "I was diagnosed with pseudobulbar effect and nothing else because all the doctors were too COWARDLY to see me afterward." His face was pulled into a frown and his eyes were intense and glaring around the whole room.

Deleted user

"You have scars too? I'm…" How was she feeling? It was hard to tell, considering she didn't like to feel emotions–Azu would rather take the facts as-is, but she was encouraged to share her emotions. "I'm relieved to hear that. Makes me less…alone, per say." She held up her hands, showing the backs of them, which were obliterated with horizontal scars. Yeah, she was a cutter–she cared too much about other people to even think about harming them.