In the small town of Sea Hills, there is a surprisingly large group of villains. Five years ago, three best friends granted with powers decided to rise up and fight these villains. Under the guises of Web, Ranger and Impulse, the group has kept the town crime free.
Web - @Rena_Rouge. Web has all the powers of Spider-Man.
Ranger - FREE. Ranger is basically Hawkeye, but with enhanced aim, flexibility and accuracy.
Impulse - @Santa’s Secretary 🎄. Impulse has all the powers of Flash.
Age: (17-18)
Gender: (female)
Appearance: (detailed)
Style: (day-to-day clothing)
Super suit: (you are welcome to steal one from an existing superhero character)
Powers: (stated above)
Extra abilities: (that help them in their role)
Theme song:
Quote/s: (up to three)
PLEASE ask to join.
PLEASE don't leave the brackets in, especially not on age. The brackets are there to inform you on necessary info an are not intended to be left in.
(She’s not going to be on for a while, jsyk)
(yes you can both be the people you have chosen
And thank you, @"Santa’s Secretary 🎄" for figuring put when I'm on
Someone is considerate)
(Np Rena! 😉 Call me Camie.)
(I kinda figured you out but it's easier to use the username for me
Australians are really lazy
Also, I have just thought of something
Let's say that my character had made everyone's costumes)
(Okay, I’ll make mine in a few)
(I just added in that you can have up to 3 quotes)
(This seems really interesting, can I stalk?)
Name: Jasmine Parker. Close friends and family call her BB, which is a nickname for her middle name, Bianca.
Role: Web
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Jasmine has dark skin. If comparing it to food, it would be called a milk chocolate colour. Her hair is pitch black, wavy and just below her hips. She has heterochromia iridum. Her left eye is amber and her right eye is green.
Style: Jasmine has a distinct yet inexpensive style. She rarely ever wears high end clothes or jewelry, and typically shops in the local stores. She likes mid-calf to knee high boots, jeans or pants, flowing shirts and occasionally jewelry.
Super suit: Jasmine's suit is a mix of three people. When designing her suit, she took inspiration from three of her favourite female spider-people: Jessica Drew's Spider-Woman, Cindy Moon's Silk and Gwen Stacy's Spider-Gwen. The top half of her suit is designed like Cindy's costume, the bottom half is designed like Jessica's costume, and the whole suit is in the colour pallette of Gwen's costume.
Jessica Drew -
Cindy Moon -
Gwen Stacy -
Jasmine has also been developing nanotechnology suits for herself, — and —. She designed them like Tony Stark did, and have them always in her purse. Of course, Jasmine keeps her own on her person, but keeps the other two in her purse in case of emergency. The nanotechnology suits are designed very similarly to the group's real suits, and are made to enhance their powers as well as give them extra abilities.
Personality: Jasmine is confident, independant and defiant. She is friendly but will not hesitate to hurt you if you hurt her family. Jasmine is kind, helpful, caring and does not one bit let her money define who she is.
Likes: Her family, being Web, Jack, Peter, winging, guitar, piano
Dislikes: Peter being dead, when her father gets selfish
Background: Jasmine is the eldest daughter of the richest man in Sea Hills. She has three younger brothers and a younger sister. Jasmine; Noah (13); Liam (13); Mason (7); Alexa (3).
Jasmine used to love someone. He died because of her. One of the villains figured out who she was and strikes her at her core. In a very 'Gwen Stacy death in Amazing Spider-Man 2' manner, Peter fell to his death. In an effort to save him, Jasmine shot out some webbing and grabbed the nearest object to stop them. But it was too late: Peter hit his head on the ground and the impact killed him. Jasmine remembers attaching the webbing to the object she grabbed and dropping down. She sobbed when he wouldn't respond, and didn't stop even when she sensed that — and — had arrived behind her.
Jasmine is currently dating a boy named Jack. She's known Jack since they were kids, and loves hanging out with him because he's fun. She shares feelings for him, but they aren't as intense as they were for Peter.
Jasmine's father used to be poor. He had big dreams, and achieved them with great success. Whenever her father is acting rude and selfish with the 'poor people', Jasmine is always the one to bring him back to Earth and remind him that he used to be poor as well.
Powers: Enhanced strength, speed, durability and agility; Ability to cling to surfaces; Precognitive spider-sense
Extra abilities: Jasmine is naturally flexible and does gymnastics. She has been learning hand-to-hand combat since she was about 10 because her parents want her to able to defend herself. Jasmine is also extremely smart. As well as being part of the team, Jasmine is also the team techie.
Theme song: Watch Me Rise by Shari Short
-"She needed a hero so that's what she became."
-"Sweet as sugar, hard as ice. Hurt me once, I'll kill you twice."
-"No one notices your tears. No one notices your sadness. No one notices your pains. But they all notice your mistakes."
Other: Jasmine has a motorbike (
Name: Wren Haren
Role: Impulse
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Super suit: a feminine version of Quicksilver's [Marvel]
Personality: quiet, keeps to herself, thinks a lot, will debate you to the ends of the Earth until you agree with her, stubborn
Likes: her friends, going fast
Dislikes: taking it slow, people who disagree with her
Background: She has two sisters (one older, one younger) that she will do anything to protect.
Powers: super speed (+ super strength and intelligence)
Extra abilities: hand-to-hand combat, flexible (yeah, I'm brain dead…)
Theme song:
1) "Be different, stand out, and work your butt off." -Reba McEntire
2) People who say it should not be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.
3) Your body can stand almost anything. It's your mind that you have to convince.
Other: …
(Super strength and intelligence count as powers
Extra abilities is like… Being really flexible, or being skilled in hand-to-hand combat, stuff like that
Otherwise shes awesome)
(Oh, sorry! It is possible for her to have that stuff too, though?)
@"Ho Ho Homicide " we need Ranger!
I think I need to back out of this, I'm so sorry.
(Aww, okay. Rena, when you're on, you should change the title that we need one more person. Or @"CW_StarkSpangledBanner(Stan lee, I Stan over thee)(Rest In Peace)" could join)