@saor_illust school
so um first of all i don't want anyone to feel like i'm stealing an idea or anything
but i got really inspired by this one name of a thread, "garden of EDEN" or something like that.
so i don't really have a decent plot idea but-
i do have a half-baked plot tho, if that helps
so our characters are in the garden of eden and uh something happens and then they are kicked out into the real world. now, i'm not going to make this religious, but i do know how the beginning of this story goes in the bible. adam and eve are actually nude in the beginning, but um, i prefer that not to happen so, they are not going to be nude, but they basically are going to be helpless in the real world. let me know if you have anything to add to this. and no, it's not going to necesssarily go according to the story, maybe they accidentally stumbled upon something they weren't supposed to find, or did something they weren't supposed to do, or maybe they said something they weren't supposed to say. or disobeyed a rule
idk. but i'm going to lay down some rules
-please don't swear
-i'd prefer it if you had at least a decent rate of response. now, because of school and other things, i understand that you might have school, or maybe you have work. but please, try your best to respond at least once a day, or try to let me know ahead of time that you won't be able to get a reply up. if that's not possible, whenever you get a chance, please let me know what happened. however, forgetting is inexcusable for this rule. please, if you know you have at least a 50% chance of forgetting, please don't join
-i reserve the right to say no, even if you want to join
-try to be as descriptive as possible
-and if you are having trouble figuring out what to repl, at least write more than say, micah just fidgeted with his fingers
or "oh," he said.
-also, if i haven't rped with you before, i may ask for a sample of your writing
-please ask to join
-and as always, all of andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply. there is never an excuse to be unaware of them, even ignorance. the moment you joined this site, you agreed to those rules, and that you would stand by and uphold those rules.
i know that was a lot of rules, but-
they're necessary. quite necessary.
i'll get a template up once someone who wants to join is approved and a-okayed