forum "Go to Hell" "Nah, You'd Miss Me too Much" (OxO, CLOSED)
Started by @Desvelarse pets

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@Desvelarse pets

I want to do a silly little thing with my gang boy, possibly an 'enemies to lovers' type thing between him and a member of law enforcement or someone of an opposing gang.


  • Rated MA/R for mature themes, possible violence, sexual scenarios (will be taken to PMs) and more
  • 3+ sentence replies, not trying to have this die
  • Don’t have a super OP character
  • I reserve the right to deny doing this with someone for whatever reason, don't take it personally

Character Sheet
Other (optional):

My Character:
Name: Yeong (yee-on) Navarro

Age: 25 years old

Gender: Male, he/him

Sexuality: Pansexual, heavy male preference.

Nationality/Race: Hispanic. He has Spanish citizenship and tends to go back for around a month each year in the summer time. At the moment, though, he currently lives in the US in Miami, Florida.

Appearance: (General appearance based off of: Height wise, he is 6’1. His build is more on the toned and muscular side. He has tattoo sleeves starting at his wrists and going up his arms to his throat, ending at his jawline. His ears are pierced, and he tends to wear black or silver studs in those piercings. He tends to wear dark, street style clothing. Formal clothing is something he will rarely be seen in.

Personality: Tends to be more on the extroverted side. He is flirtatious with those that he is attracted to. That consists of direct remarks on appearance/personality and clever one liners from time to time. He seems quite clever. He is loyal to the cartel. He is seasoned with knowledge having to do with street smarts. Around his friends and relationship partners, he is very open and loud, seeming like a complete open book, though he picks and chooses who he will give his deep opinions to. Talking about his negative emotions is not something he enjoys doing, and he will often brush it off with humor as a way to cope. He is a bit of a masochist as well, and not very gentle handed. He knows what he wants, and he will do anything it takes to get it. He is possessive of his lovers, and would much rather keep them all for himself.

Likes: Soccer, parties, drugs and alcohol, intimacy, and social functions.

Dislikes: Law enforcement, rejection, blows to his confidence, and reality checks.

Hobbies: In some of his free time, he can be found playing soccer with his friends. Other days, he helps tutor Hispanic/Latino kids in the “slums” English. Besides that, some basic things include exercise and cooking.

Background: The ‘need-to-know’ basics are that he was born in Spain to the upper leaders of the Spanish Mafia. He moved to the United States when he turned 13, and has lived in Miami, Florida ever since. He grew up being homeschooled but had attended a college in Florida. During the time he was in college, he began to feel disdain towards his future of becoming a leader of the Spanish Mafia. He has an accent due to English not being his first language, and during times of frustration it becomes more prominent. Besides these things, other pieces of information will be revealed throughout the writings.

Other: He owns a female tortie patterned cat named Tequila that he tends to spoil quite often.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

(okay so, I have a female law officer. Is that alright with you? Also, is it alright that we don't do mature as in NSFW? If not, that's okay. I just wanted to double check cuz it seemed like a fun prompt)

@Desvelarse pets

(Hiii it probably wouldn’t work best with my character not including nsfw things just bc sexuality is like a huge thing for him, but id be down to do something else with you in dms with another character maybe)


(Hello hello! I’m interested in this if you’ll have me. Nsfw is fine by me and I have characters who would work for either a cop or someone from a rival gang depending on your preference)


(I’ll have ‘em up in just a bit! Aren’t they just adorable little crackheads? XD He turns a year old in a little over a month and I swear his only goal in life is to give me a heart attack)


Name: Shiloh Lacerta 

Age: 25yrs

Gender: Non-binary (born female)

Sexuality: Pansexual 

Nationality/Race: Croatian/White

Appearance: Their features are captivating, with sharp, chiseled facial contours. Their eyes, a mesmerizing shade of deep emerald green, hold an enigmatic quality that can be both alluring and intimidating. They have a lean, athletic build, a testament to their dedication to physical fitness. Their raven-black hair falls in sleek waves, framing their face with an air of mystery. Has several tattoos and gnarly scars across their entire body. 

Personality: Detective Lacerta is a force to be reckoned with in the world of law enforcement. With several years of experience, they have honed their investigative skills to near perfection. Shiloh possesses an uncanny ability to connect the dots that others miss, making them an invaluable asset to their precinct. Their reputation as a brilliant detective precedes then, and they’re known for solving some of the most perplexing cases. However, what sets Shiloh apart is their willingness to bend the rules when necessary to bring criminals to justice.
Their personality is a blend of determination and audacity. They’re not afraid to step outside the boundaries of standard police procedure if it means catching the bad guys. While some see them as a maverick and a risk-taker, they firmly believes that the end justifies the means, especially in the face of ruthless criminals who exploit legal loopholes. Their intuition and instincts are her guiding lights, often leading them down unconventional paths that ultimately lead to breakthroughs in her cases.
While Shiloh’s unorthodox methods have earned them a few reprimands from higher-ups, they’re unapologetic about their approach. They’re fiercely loyal to her team and will stop at nothing to protect them. Their colleagues admire their tenacity and willingness to push the envelope, even though they sometimes worry about the consequences. In a world where the line between right and wrong can blur, Shiloh is a cop who navigates the gray areas with a relentless pursuit of justice that makes them both a controversial figure and an outstanding detective.

-Astronomy and star gazing
-Volunteering for local animal shelters
-Solving crossword puzzles
-Bar hopping

-Heavy traffic during rush hour
-Unreliable internet connections
-Sour foods

-Creative dog grooming
-Rock climbing

Background: Shiloh has always walked a fine line between light and shadow. Raised in a neighborhood plagued by crime and hardship, they knew the harsh realities of life from a young age. Their parents struggled to make ends meet, and it was in this turbulent environment that Shiloh first witnessed the devastating consequences of crime. Determined to rise above their circumstances, they joined the police force with the hope of making a difference.
However, their journey as a cop was marred by tragedy. Early in their career, Shiloh lost their partner in a shootout with a notorious gang, an event that left them scarred both physically and emotionally. The guilt of their partner's death haunted them, as they believed they could have done more to prevent it. This incident left them with a sense of purpose, vowing to bring down the criminal organization responsible for their partner's death and to protect their city from the scourge of crime, no matter the cost.
As the years passed, Shiloh became a relentless force in the department, often taking on dangerous assignments alone to ensure the safety of their fellow officers. They became known for their unwavering dedication to the job, but the shadows of their past tragedies continue to linger.

Other (optional): Has a female white standard poodle named Ophelia.

@Desvelarse pets

(Does yours like to punch you? I swear mine beats the shit out of me with his big ass paws lol)

(LMAO yes all the time, it’s wild. Also love the character! Where do you think we should have them meet? )


(Yes!!! Isn’t so funny but it’s so crazy!! All of the pit mixes at my job are the same way and it kills me LMAO Should they meet up on the job or on their downtime?)

@Desvelarse pets

(Omg wait do you work with dogs too???? Maybe on the job first and afterwards they could run into each other on their downtime for a lil bit of comedy)


(Yes!!! Im a dog groomer rn and I love it! I also worked in a doggy daycare a few years ago!
Yeah, that sounds good with me. Any specifics in mind?)

@Desvelarse pets

(Omg yesss!! I work at a daycare/training facility for an awesome trainer. Good to see someone else in the field!!! And uhh was definitely thinking it could have ‘catch me if you can’ vibes)


(Ahh that’s awesome!! It’s always so fun meeting someone else who works with dogs!!! ‘Catch me if you can’ sounds great. Let’s go for it!)

@Desvelarse pets

(Alright home now, here it is)

This was a huge job for Yeong, a moment to prove himself and prove that he could handle the cartel. He was meeting up with a dealer at the moment, ready to check out the product that the man wanted to supply to him. There had been rumors that his coke was some of the best in the area, but he would be the judge of that. He stood in the empty lot of an abandoned apartment complex. He leaned against his red 2023 Jaguar F-Type, picking at his fingernails as he waited. It was a newer car that he saw and bought on a whim. It could easily reach high speeds, and he did enjoy driving fast and reckless on the road.

Yeong was growing impatient. He wanted to secure the deal and get home where a hot shower would be waiting for him. It was close to midnight, and he could not see any other cars on the road. Where was this guy?


(Awesome! Did we want Shiloh to be undercover as the coke dealer or just on a stakeout? Also, I know jack shit about cars so bear with me lol)

Shiloh grips the steering wheel of their sleek black 2023 Audi A5 with a firm, determined grasp as they navigate the streets of the city. The car's headlights are merely a whisper of light, casting a dim glow on the asphalt as they slip through the nocturnal cityscape.

The city's pulse beats softly in the background, a distant symphony of life that contrasts with their mission. They know every alley, every hidden shortcut, and every blind spot in the city's intricate network of streets. Their senses are finely tuned to the rhythm of the night, attuned to the subtlest shifts in sound and movement.

As they approach the designated meeting area, their focus intensifies.

@Desvelarse pets

(Yeah that works! And same LMAO, i’m winging it)

Yeong sighed as he looked down the barren road. He dug into the pocket of his track pants, pulling out a pack of Marlboro reds and a lighter. He took out one of the cigarettes and placed it between his lips. He lit the cigarette, inhaling a bit of the smoke before he took the cigarette between his pointer and middle finger. He puffed the smoke out from between his lips, nerves soothing.

Yeong rarely ever smoked, but it was a stressful time for him. He mostly did so when he was on some sort of job for the cartel. He saved the more fun, serious drugs for when he was off work. He planned on taking aside a bit of the coke he was to receive for himself as a personal treat. He took another long puff from his cigarette, growing a bit annoyed that the dealer was late.


(Okay! And I’m glad we’re in the same boat XD)

Shiloh's car rolls to a near-silent stop outside the decrepit, long-abandoned apartment complex. The city's cacophony fades into a distant hum as they kill the engine. In the shroud of night, the building looms like a forgotten relic of the past, its windows gaping like empty eyes into the void.

With a careful, stealthy movement, they open the car door and slides out. Their footsteps on the gravel are barely audible, and they blend into the surrounding darkness. The weight of their mission hangs in the air as they approach the crumbling entrance of the complex, their senses on high alert.

Moonlight filters through the shattered windows, casting eerie silhouettes on the decaying walls. Their every breath is measured, their movements purposeful. They graze their fingers over the handle of the concealed briefcase tucked within their coat, ready for the clandestine exchange that will soon take place.

@Desvelarse pets

Yeong finally grew interested as a car pulled up. He stood up straight from where he was leaning against his own vehicle. He took one more long drag from his cigarette before dropping it onto the ground, putting it out under his heel. He reached back into the open window of his car, taking out a plastic bag full of stacks of cash. It was all real, of course. He wasn’t a fake that couldn’t afford to buy some high end drugs.

Yeong watched the person for a moment before whistling sharply to get their attention. He stood lazily, head tilted as he stared the person down. “You’re late, compañero,” he called out, taking a couple of strides towards the individual. He sized them up, looking them up and down before his gaze rested on the case that they held. “That the stuff?”