Getting There [Closed // one-on-one // Stalkers welcome]
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(It says theres an error)
Turning the lock to reset it, he felt a bit of resistance. He lightly shook his head, not noticing the small smile to his right as he put in the given numbers. Before he tried to push it open, he set his backpack on the ground next to it. Once it was off, he pushed the locker door hard as he tried to open it, his body angled to get a bit of leverage on it. It opened. He took a step away, now that it was open, and picked his bag back up, turning toward the boy. "Hurry up, you're gonna be late." Right as he began walking past him, the warning bell rang out.
(sorry if that doesnt make much sense, thats just what i do when my locker gets jammed lol)
(well shoot. I'll try again, i think i linked my google keep thing of it by accident)
(also, i just learned that hes a model but he looks different in other pics, so im just gonna use this one)

Kaius looked at the locker in slight shock. Shaking his head to escape his daze, he grabbed his backpack and shoved his books inside. He sprinted to the history classroom. Reaching the door, he saw a sign taped to the window 'we are in the library'. He sprinted to the library and sat down at a computer just as his bitchy history teacher came inside.
Finally entering his first period, the teacher eyed him with slight surprise at his punctuality. Tossing his backpack on the back on the chair he had chosen, in the back of the room, "What, Mrs. Z?" He asked, a slight smirk gracing his sarcastic face, landing in his seat with a loud thud. Placing his feet on the desk, ankles crossed over one another, quirking a quick eyebrow as he filled his voice with his most sarcastic and mocking tone and asked, "Surprised to see me?" She just made a slightly uncomfortable look, mostly avoiding eye contact. Dexter just winked at her and pulled out his book, reading as the bell finally rang.

First cell was heard and Kaius groaned when Mrs. Smithers said they had aN essay due worth 20% of their grade. He sighed and got to work, researching his topic
During the entirety of first period, Dexter didn't look up from his book almost at all. Only a few times to shoot a glare or a wink at other students.

Kaius groaned and left class to use the bathroom and took a detour to the vending machines.
Having finished his book, Dex was now bored out of his mind, listening to Mrs. Zukowski drone on. Groaning, he finally just got out of his seat and flung his backpack over his shoulder. The teacher ignored him as he walked out of the room, the door slamming loudly shut behind him, the teacher and students flinching at the sudden sound. And then he was walking through the empty halls, the only sounds being the clinking of his books.

Kaius took out his phone and plugged in his earbuds, listening to Alan Walker
Pulling out a pack of Camels from his jacket pocket, along with a plain black lighter. Pulling one out, he placed one of the cigarettes lightly between his lips, heading toward the nearest bathroom to light it. He could already tell, by the text from his dad it was going to be a long night.

Kaius walked into the bathroom and sat on one of the sinks, texting his cousin
As soon as he had stepped into the bathroom, the door not yet even closed behind him, he was already lighting his cigarette. One hand cupped around one side, while the other was igniting the flame of the small drugstore lighter. Once lit, he took in a large breath of the cancerous air, blowing it out in wafting clouds between his lips. Noticing someone else in the bathroom, he took in another drag as he eyed him. "Well, I know why I'm here, but what're you ditching, for?" He blew out the rest of the smoke.

Kai ignored him. Not because he wanted to, but because his headphones were noise cancelling and he didnt see the other Male enter. He continued texting his cousin, finger tapping away furiously as he debated about the benefits of having a car.
Humming in recognition, Dex stuck his finger under the motion-activated sink faucet, wetting it. He took a few steps forward, flicking a few drops at the other teen as he took another drag.

Kai felt water hit his face and stopped typing. Looking up and glaring at the other guy, he smiled sarcastically "if I didnt know any better love, I'd say you were following me." He said with absolutely no sarcasm
(is he a brit?)
"'Love', huh?" He blew out the smoke through his nose and mouth, smirking playfully at him. "Well, I just came in for a quick smoke or two, what're you doing?"

(Grew up there but moved at 11 years, had a slight accent but uses a few brit words in his every day vocab)
"Ditching the rest of class because my teacher is an asshole and I hate her." He said, turning back to his phones and silently laughing at the angry text his cousin sent him
Chuckling, he took another puff, "Yeah, that'll do it." Leaning against the wall, Dex took a deep breath before pulling out his phone to read his father's angry message, in its full extent. Time to figure out how bad it is. Crossing his arms over his chest, he flicked the cigarette and let the ashed fall to the tiled ground, holding the smoke in his lungs as he read the following 'you stupid son of a bitch! youve really got it coming to you when you get home you little shit' 'you dumb fuck answer your damn phone' 'I swear to god im gonna whoop your ass into next fucking month' 'dont mess with my shit again!' 'if youd had half a brain you wouldnt come home tonight'. He finally let out a shaky breath, the smoke peppering out with it as he scrunched his eyes closed.

Kaius looked up and saw his eyes closed "the smoke irritating your eyes is it?" He smirked. Kaius was pretty good at reading people and knew that something bad must have happened.