forum Gay floof anyone?
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people_alt 38 followers

@Mafureal group

"You wanted me to tell you…when I was 17-18 I had a best friend named Eric…I asked if he wanted to stay the night and he said yes…Now Eric is 3 years older than me. and He was old enough to drink…He was drunk that night and came over…I told him to go to sleep so he wouldn't do something he'd regret…" Landyn let the tears fall. "Well Her started hitting me saying I'm not his boss…I can't tell him what to do…After a while, he pushes me onto my bed and pinned me down…Then I'm sure you can figure out what happens next…I was able to stop him before he did anything too bad to me but I was still humiliated…I hated time for the longest time…I still do…"