forum "Forever Yours, beyond time, space and memories"
Started by @Fenrir

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Cicil looked up at Larson, an amused smilecrossinghis face as he passed in his studying of the photos. "A human intrigued a vampire?" He asked, blush rising to his cheeks again. He could imagine himself being intrigued by Larson, in fact he was right now so back then he must have been enamored but a human somehow catching a vampire's interest seemed more surprising. He sighed softly but nodded, not wanting to nag too much. "Very well, If you're absolutely sure. If by any chance that changes before I get home, the window will always be open." He laughed at the smirk, and shrugged "seeing how nervous the doctor was I doubt they'd do much if they somehow found you here earlier than visiting time." He went back to looking at the photos for a while, deciding to simply enjoy the pictures and imagining their past lives together. He peeked up and smiled softly when he saw Larson watching. "I'm trying, dear." He murmured, setting the book aide for a moment. "Not much is coming back but there are…feelings? Or some sort of familiarity." He tried to explain.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

"Well, why not?" Lars shrugged, matching Cicil's expression. "Many vampires, myself included, used to be human. Some chose to remember that but forget what it was like so they actually enjoy spending time with humans while others try to forget and don't like humans because they remind them too much." he explained, perhaps over simplifying a bit. He smiled softly at the sigh and kissed his husband's cheek. "I'm sure. But now I'm even more tempted to sneak in and see you." he chuckled at the idea of the window being open. Though he had to agree that there was likely not much that the doctors could do to stop him.

The vampire sighed a little, somewhat embarassed that he had been caught, but nodded. "I'm sorry. I believe you that you're trying and I'm glad that some of these feel familiar even now." he admitted. "I guess that I was just hoping that something would trigger a memory. I'm sorry if I was… making things… uncomfortable." he apologized, stumbling over the last word.


Cicil nodded in slight understanding, at least conceptually he understood. It made sense to want to be reminded of what you once were. Actually getting himself to wrap his mind over said concept, immortality, vamipires ect, was a bit harder in practice. But Larson was living proof. Cicil himself was proof. The photos in his hand all pointed to the very real possibilty of their immortal existance, even if he couldn't imagine what had innitially drew Larson to him in the first place. He leaned into the kiss, smiling fondly and making a note to himself to crack open the window ever so slightly when night fell after his final check in of the day. "The bed isn't as uncomfortable as I make it seem." He joked lightly. His soft smile remained even as gently nudged Larson's shoulder. "You're not." He reassured gently, gently squeezing Larson's hand. "Very much the opposite actually. You're one of the only comforts I have at the moment. I know this can't be any easier on you than it is on me. I'll keep trying, I promise, for both our sakes. Tomorrow when you visit we can call this Finn the doctor mentioned together." He reasoned. "if theres someone in this world that is referenced in these situations, that means we're not the only ones to go through this, right? Which means he has had to fixed whatever is going on now, before. We'll find whoever has my memories sooner than you think."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Lars chuckled softly at the joke and shrugged. “I never actually spent much time in a hospital bed before. Never really had much of a need to.” he admitted. “But I do feel like those beds just look more uncomfortable than they are.” he agreed, once again tempted to sneak in and see his husband after visiting hours. He gently returned the assuring gesture, relieved by Cicil’s words. “You’re right. It's not easy. But I can't imagine what you're going through…” he tried to explain. But he nodded at the plan to call Finn the next day and the logic that if someone could help them then maybe something like this could have happened before. “I certainly hope so. Though I don't know if it's assuring or sad that there's an “expert” who can help with memory problems like this.”


"I'll admit I'm eager to finally sleep in a regular bed but this'll do for now. At least now I have some comforts from home." He hugged the excess blanket piled around them and pressed his face into its warmth. He took Cecil's hand and pressed his lips to the back of it, leaving it to linger even as he said "I hope you never have to." He thought for a moment, wondering just how many people lost their memory and needed to seek out Finn to retrieve them. How many people didn't find Finn in time and lived the rest of their lives without remembering? "Both I guess. There some hope in knowing retrieving memories is achievable. The reason why they need to be retrieved at all is the sad part. Its still baffling to me how people can just take memories so easily."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Lars smiled warmly and gently pulled his husband closer, thinking how adorable he was as he snuggled against the blanket. Though the smile faded a little at the soft words and kiss. Honestly, he hoped the same but… “I still wish that you didn't have to go through this either.” he sighed.

“Yes. That is concerning.” he nodded thoughtfully, obviously agreeing with Cicil about both sides of the situation. It was a bit of extra comfort that he could still understand Lars like that. “I don't remember hearing about something or someone with that kind of ability before. Spells and witches perhaps but I don't know how many there are left… Seems like I need to reconnect with that side of our community.” he mused.


Cicil nodded slightly, chewing his lips slightly in thought. "Is it odd that I hope whoever took my memories are okay? They must have been so scared something would happen to them if they felt the need to take away memories of the event. Maybe they took too much when they fled the scene." He said softly. Oddly enough, in the few days he's stayed at the hotel, he hadn't felt angry for what had happened to him. Of course he was scared and confused but never really angry towards this other person.
Cicil looked up, not being able to help the wonder in face. He was just wrapping his head arou d immortality and his husband being a vampire. Witches and magic, other being entirely was all fascinating. "Do we know any personally? Other creatures I mean?" He asked

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Lars blinked at the question and gave a reflective hum. “Honestly, I hadn't thought about that much. I suppose I want them to be alright too… especially if we need to find them to get your memories back, but I hadn't asked myself why they did this or what was going through their head.” he admitted, a little embarrassed by that fact but also awed that Cicil had. “That's an interesting theory though, love.”

He couldn't help a soft chuckle at his husband's expression at the mention of the supernatural community. “Well, I kissed a Siren once.” he laughed. “And, of course, I remember the vampire who bit me. He was something of a mentor for my early years. Which actually was before the whole werewolf/vampire feud. But it wasn't really as big of a deal as some made it out to be.” he explained. “But I’ll have to check our contacts to see who we both know.”


Cicil tried his best to recall what a siren or other vampires looked like, mostly recalling fantastical versions of them from childhood rather than what he assumed were people more like Larson. He wondered if he tutored or taught any creatures other than humans, if they were just as facinated by an immortal human bonded to a vampire as he was in them.
"If anyone can lure a siren I'd imagine it'd be you, dear." He laughed, reaching up and brushing aside Larson's hair to find this own bite mark. "I'm glad that he was at least good to you. I'd imagine that claim on some else would pose somewhat of a problem." He mused softly. He nodded slightly, signing as he began to move the plants back into place and setting the album back on the side table to look through later. "Maybe they'd be able to help as well, whoever knows us we'll, or even knows about memory loss."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Lars laughed and shook his head. “I didn't really lure her. It was a more of an oxygen exchange thing really.” he explained. “I was on a ship and got thrown overboard in a storm. She recognized that I wasn't human and tried to save me but I wasn't really in danger. So she just pointed me in the direction of land.” Though he smiled as Cicil touched his bite and nodded. “He was good to me. Something of a mentor/second father figure to me. But you have to re… I should tell you that it was over 900 years ago so…” he shrugged, catching his phrasing before he said something awkward. “Maybe. Maybe they can help.” he nodded again as he watched Cici put everything away. “Are you tired, darling?”


Cicil laughed lightly and nodded "900 years likely doesn't seem so long for someone who's immortal. Did something happen to him?" He asked as he reluctantly untangled himself from the little nest of blankets and pillows they had made for themselves. He shoved everything on the bed and slowly pushed himself up, careful not to put too much strain on his still-healing body. Eventually, he managed to sit on the edge of the bed, slightly breathless but more comfortable than on the hard floor. After managing the tangled chords around him, he settled himself back in bed, wrapping the blanket around him and replacing the hospital pillow with the one from home, finding it infinitely more comfortable. "Not necessarily, no. Usually, the nurses come in and check in around now. Finding us on the floor most likely would cause some alarm." He explained with a chuckle, opening his arms in invitation.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Oh, I just meant that I was turned that long ago. So a lot of things were different then, including society and education. The old man is still around but we haven't been in touch much recently.” Lars shrugged nonchalantly. “That's just how it is with vampires. After a couple centuries, we don't need our “parent” as much and go off on our own.” he explained as he carefully helped Cici up and into the bed with the blankets and pillows from home. “Ah, that makes sense. Don't want to scare the nurses.” he chuckled as he sat beside his husband, accepting the invitation happily and gently returned the embrace.


Cicil nodded slightly, his brows furrowing in concentration. "Do you think he would know anything about memory loss in immortals? or in general? He's been around for so long, perhaps this is not the first time he would have heard of this happening." He reasoned. "If it would be alright with him, perhaps we could find a time to fianally reconnect." He chuckled lightly, trying to imagine a younger? more teenage version of Larson. "Did he know about us?" he asked, wondering how Larson's vampire parent would think about his relationship with a human. "Well, scare them more. You seem to have a certain affect on the doctors." Cicl wrapped his arms around Larson, closing his eyes for a peaceful moment. "What are we normally like?" He asked softly against Larson's hair. "I would have imagined being immortal can get monotonous but from the photos and even just now, immortality seems to just bring us closer." He smiled, pressing a soft kiss to Larson's temple.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Lars blinked at the suggestion but gave a slight nod. “I can't believe I didn't think of that. He might know something, I mean there is a chance. I’ll call him.” he assured, a little nervous because of how long it had been since the last time they spoke. “Oh, yes. He knew, he knows. He was at our wedding.” he smiled. “And had met you a couple of times before. He thought you were too good for me. And I remember you were surprised when I first introduced you because he was younger than you imagined.” he added with a fond laugh. Which only grew when Cici told him about the doctors. “Oh, really? I always thought I was quite charming.” he teased, not really bothered by the information as he nuzzled into his husband’s arms and gently held him in return. “Honestly, we’re a lot like this. It can be a bit repetitive at times but we always find things to do. Often together.” he admitted softly, humming at the kiss before returning the gesture. “It definitely brought us closer.”


Cicil was relieved when hearing he had met Larson's mentor before and seemed to have a good relationship, even if he was a human. He hoped the familiarity would ease his nerves when meeting him later for the first time again. "that I was too good for you?" he asked in slight disbelief. He eyes Larson teasingly "What kind of person were you when we first met for him to think me too good for you, dear?" Cicil laughed softly, positive no matter who they were lives ago, he would have fallen for Larson just as easily. "Oh, you most definitely are. At least you are to me. Perhaps they're not used to seeing a vampire." He shrugged, closing his eyes contently as Larson settled beside him. It was comforting to know this was normal for their relationship, that Cicil had come to trust and love someone so deeply and seemed to never have that love fizzle out. He didn't think nor did ever want to be bored of Larson but he imagined that a vampire being with a human would feel uneventful after a few decades. He wouldn't be surprised if vampires were known to have more than one partner, though he was secretly and perhaps a bit selfishly glad Larson was solely his.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Lars chuckled a little at the question and shrugged. “In the centuries after I adapted to being a Vampire, the old man called something of a hedonistic rapscallion.” he admitted shamelessly. “And in hindsight, he wasn't exactly wrong. I enjoyed all the time I had and the fact that I had so much time and was hard to kill, made me a little reckless for a while, but once I met you… well, I started taking things more seriously again.” he smiled adoringly at Cicil. “You have a point there. Vampires don't really have a need to visit hospitals, except the occasional ‘blood drive’.” he nodded thoughtfully. “Maybe I should talk to them and assure them.” he suggested as they held each other close, kissing his husband’s forehead.


"Hedonistic rapscallion?" Cicil questioned with a laugh. "how did I every tame such a reckless beast?" he mused, gently running his fingers through Larson's hair. "I'm glad then, that we found each other when we did, in a time where it seemed that we needed each other the most. I suspect you brought me quite a lot of excitement and something very new into my life and I hopefully brought to you something a bit more stable."
He shrugged slightly, "no I suppose not. Does that come with being a vampire? getting hurt less? or at least an aversion to wounds?" he asked, resting against Larson. "i'm sure they'd understand. Are human and vampire relationships not as common as I thought?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Lars blushed a little as Cici laughed but continued to smile as his husband played with his hair. “This probably helped.” he joked. “But I agree. You definitely helped me settle down and I like to think I brought you plenty of adventure.” he chuckled.
“Oh, we can still get hurt but the method of how is more particular than your average human. And we heal fairly quickly as long as we take care of ourselves.” he admitted with a brief shrug. “Ahh… they’re not uncommon but they might still be more rare than people expect because of all those romance novels.” he sighed, rolling his eyes at the thought.


"ah so it was this simple? I find that hard to believe when you've been called a rapscallion." He smiled softly as he continued to gently card thro ugh Larson's hair, even massaging him a little. "From the photos we've taken it seems that you very much did." He mused, hoping that if the worst came to pass and his memories were not able to be recovered, that he'd have a chance to visit these places again. He nodded slightly, "I'll admit being a vampire in this moment may be a bit more useful." Cicil tilted his head in amused confusion. "There are romance novels about us?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I said that it helped, not that it was the only thing.” Lars smirked, his eyes fluttering a little at the massage. “If you ever want to go on another adventure, you just have to ask. We can go anywhere, do anything, you want.” he assured. Even if it was something they did before, times had changed, it would still be an adventure. He chuckled softly at Cici’s comment about being a vampire but shrugged. “Physically, it might have… but who knows what would have happened to your memory then.” he sighed. Depending on the cause of Cicil’s memory loss, there was a chance that they still could have been lost. “Oh, yeah. There’s a whole genre about romances between a human and some… “supernatural creature”. Some more flattering than others and some that are just outright absurd.” he informed, trying not to think of specific examples.


"hm, I don't know, it couldn't have been so hard winning you over considering you're melting right now," Cicil smile and started to brush his thumb up and down the bridge of Larson's nose. "I can see how easy it would have been to fall in love you. To fall in love with you again." He murmured, resting his head against his husband as his petting became slowler. "I would love that, my dear. But first, I want to know what home is to us before we explore the world again." he requested, turning his head towards the pillow to stifle a yawn. '"That sounds, at the very least, entertaining. At the very worst…" Cicil shuddered and shook away what he could only imagine what people wrote about creatures and humans. He may not have many memories about his own life experience but he could still imagine what others would find intriguing about supernatural creatures, especially with the context of romance. "concerning."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Lars chuckled, shaking his head when Cici started rubbing his nose. “It wasn't hard for me to fall in love with you either.” he admitted, assuringly as he took a turn at stroking his husband’s hair. “Of course, mi amore. We can do that first.” he agreed before holding Cicil closer when he felt him shiver. “It's both. There are some good ones but others… I’d rather burn them.” he sighed, trying not to be annoyed at the existence of those kinds of books. He could tell that Cici was getting tired but had no problem staying with him until he fell asleep.


(time skip?)
Cicil hummed as he leaned into Larson's hand, "Considering I appearently took you to a brothel the first date we had, I'm surprised I didn't deter you." he nodded slightly, relieved to be going somewhere familiar soon, somewhere he knew would be safe, and, more importantly, where he could get answered. He peeked his head up from where he had nestled against Larson's neck and laughed. "You poor creature, whatever shall you do, with everyone assuming you're straight out of romance novel." he teased pressing a kiss to larson's cheek. "as much as I hate the idea, I can see you in a very cheesy romance."

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“Are you kidding? That just made me even more interested in you.” Lars chuckled, continuing to stroke his husband's hair. He gave a playful, mock glare when Cicil teased him about the novels but closed his eyes happily at the kiss. “Only if you’re in that book with me, Cici.” He quipped back.


"I would love nothing more than to be in a cheesy romance novel with you. I hope that's how we lived our lives before this." He gestured around them vaguely before he gave a little shrug and settled comfortably beside his husband. For a tempting moment he debated on falling asleep, to keep Larson here with him for just a little longer before visiting hours were up and he was forced to be alone for the night again. But he managed to stay hazily awake, not wanting to waste his time he could be with Larson with sleeping. "Thank you, mi amor" he murmured softly, "for staying, and for coming back each day. I know this couldn't have been easy on you. You could have started over or gone somewhere new. I wouldn't have been none the wiser. But you stayed, for that I couldn't be more grateful."
Cicil had been highly attentive on the drive back home. He still had the lingering fear of the accident months ago that clutched at his nerves despite not remembering much but he was determined to push past that and focus on the drive home, wanting to refamiliarize himself with the area.
He wrapped the blanket around himself a bit more tightly and gave Lar's hand one last gently squeeze as the car came to a slow stop in the house's driveway. Cicl peered up at the house, nothing about it physically was familiar but the feeling of safety and warmth tugged at his mind.