Name: Evelyn/Pixie/Jaxson Rose Dimon
Nickname(s): Evy, Evvers, Ev, Rose, Sunny,Sunshine, Pixie Stick, Pix, Jax, Ax
Gender: Fluid
Age: 25
Sexuality: Pansexual
Looks: Their hair is in a pointed flop, always in bright vibrant hues of pinks normally but doesn't shy away from trying something else that even sounds interesting, with hearts shaved into the right side of their head. Their hair is naturally blonde as well. They weigh in at 125 pounds and is 5'4. Well. 5'3 and a half but they round it up to 5'4 so what's the difference? They have 5 different aesthetics's outside of lazy comfy clothes and styles them all beautifully. They also wear contacts, but eyes are naturally grey-blue. They have a pansexual flag tattooed on their right arm and the genderfluid on their left. A small fox on their left calf, and currently are saving up for their biggest tattoo venture yet.
Personality: Rambunctious, loud, overly competitive, vaguely smart, and with 3 mental disorders they are quite the rarity. They grew up with 18 siblings, all of them adopted, and so that made them very daring with too many near death scrape by's. Has a tendency to do now, think later. But they have a quiet softer side that they defend with spite, and know when to be serious as well.
Likes: Music, writing, pie, bright colors, indie and rock music, foxes, being too loud, video games, swimming, musicals, dancing, cuddling, their closest friends and their family, pink, red, and black.
Dislikes: Close minded people, judgement, most rap music, being told to settle down, restraints, coffee, brussle sprouts, steak, quiet except for libraries, ankle biting dogs, the cold.
Hobbies: Playing the guitar, writing poetry, psychology, science, staying up way too late, binging on waaaaay too many horror tv shows in a sense, watching a lot of youtube, playing competitive video games, cosplaying.
Other: She has a pet cat named Precious, a sassy and smart tabby cat siamese mix.