Everyone in this room were children that's what Tessa. Anyway who in their right mind over the age of 20 would be arguing like this bickering like this apparently her parents. Tessa pushed up her glasses and took a drink of her Coke. She glanced over at the Vyldburns oldest he was cute and he wasn't bickering like the rest of his family and he was looking at her
Their eyes met, and Kade gave a halfhearted salute. He held the stare for a moment later before turning away, acting as if nothing had happened. He scowled at his shouting family and clenched the can of Cola, making it creak slightly and bend a little bit.
They were all idiots. The whole lot of them.
She smiled at Kade but frowned at the rest she had enough she threw her can away " I'm leaving" she said but no one listened and she rolled her eyes walking past Kade to the door and walking out it and made her way down the porch steps
"Good grief," Kade muttered. He followed the girl, after a moment. At least it was quiet out there. He sat on the porch steps, a few feet away, and stared off into space.
" I'm going to the park if you want to come" she said turning to look at him " they'll get louder and it'll ruin the peace and quiet at the park it stays quiet at least from all of them"
"Sure," Kade said. He blinked. It was the first time he had ever heard her say something, and it startled him. "I want to get as far away from those idiots as possible."
"Me too" she said with a soft smile " I'm Tessa but you probably already know that from family encounters" she said as they started walking
"I do." Kade finished downing his cola and tossed the can in a nearby trash can. "I'm Kaden. Kade." Not that it mattered.
"Well it's nice to meet you Kade you know not under circumstances where were around those idiots" she said
Kade snorted. "It would be nice to meet in circumstances that weren't these." He gave a little half-smile. "But, I mean, at least it's not any worse, right?"
" unless my dad comes after me with. Shotgun" she halfway teased rubbing the back of her neck as she laughed nervously
"Or we're jumping off a plane into an active volcano, strapped with explosives instead of a parachute," he said with a laugh.
She let out a real genuine laugh at his statement and shook her head " your funny Kade" she said looking up at him
"Thanks," Kade said, grinning back at her. Her smile is really pretty… He shook his head at the thought. She was a Wood! And even if she was decent, nothing could ever happen between them.
" you know I've seen you in school before" she said with a smile looking at him
"Really?" He asked, then nodded. "Wait… I think I've seen you around before? Maybe?" He furrowed his brows.
" I'm in your English and chemistry class" she said " I'm always hanging out with Dylan the one gay kid at our school" she said
"Oh, right!" Kade nodded. "I remember you now. Isn't Dylan the one that everyone tries to avoid like the plague or something?"
"no he's gay but gets made fun of a lot he's also a germaphobe" Tessa said looking at him
"Oh. That's probably not fun. How come you two are friends?" He asked, curious. He leaned against a tree.
She sighed, and hesitated before answering " because I get picked on too" she said
Kade fell silent. He wasn't sure what to say. I'm sorry? No. He didn't know what he was supposed to be sorry for.
" that's how we became inseparable best friends" she said approaching the park
"I - oh." He wasn't sure what he was supposed to say. He followed her, fiddling with his hands. "Do you have more friends than just him?"
" No not really" she said" but that's okay"