"Anything is fine with me… what did the rest of your band decide to do?" Ryder asked, adjusting his wig so it would be more comfortable. It definitely made his head feel very hot. "And I don't generally hang around these types of events for very long. When I did gigs here when I was younger, I generally had to leave pretty soon after I was done."
"Most of em are staying here RyRy. You should hang around. See, since I'm not aiming for fame, the most important thing to your band is community. The people you connect with and get to know. People may not remember the music in a few weeks, but they'll remember your smile. The way you interacted with others, maybe even a funny joke or interesting side comment you made. It's the small stuff people remember. Like you for example. I remember off stage, after shows when I'd catch a glimpse. The light in your eyes dies away off stage and you just look so tired. But when running around with me, except for the punk punching you, for the most part your eyes glitter like precious jewels. I may not remember what you wear, or what song I was singing when you got punched. But I do remember that. Anyways, I'm a bit thirsty. How about we get a soda and then go do some tyedye?"
Ryder flushed as he listened to Evelyn talk, clearly more than a little taken aback and not quite sure how to reply. He took several seconds to process and snapped back to reality when he was alert a question. "Oh! Um… y-yeah, sounds good to me. Let's get going." He got to his feet and threw away his bag of ice.
He kept thinking while they walked. He knew that Evelyn was right. He was always exhausted from all the traveling and he didn't have as much time with his family as he'd like. Not to mention that he didn't have friends anymore. He simply didn't have time. That was his least favorite part of his life at the moment. He wished so badly that he could just have normal relationships with people. The fame was nice, of course. He liked knowing that so many people liked him. But that wasn't real. They were just fans, after all. He didn't know any of them personally. Even though he hadn't known Evelyn for long, he felt like their relationship was genuine. She wasn't just another fan of his.
Evelyn grinned as she headed over to one of the food vendors. "I'll take a cocoa cola and a hot dog please!" She waited for him to order and once he did, she paid and waited at the other side. She thought it was really cool running around with a celebrity like this. Outside of the photographs and blinding light dream. She was here, and everything she did was dipped in reality. She hoped she'd get to hang around him more often, get to know him even better.
Ryder just ordered the same as Evelyn and followed her around. "You said we're going to do tye dye after we eat, right?" He asked as he took a bite of his hot dog. "Do we have to go get our own shirts from somewhere or are they provided?"
"They're provided dude." She said as she dipped hers in some ketchup and plopped down at a table, the rest of her band joining her. "You guys are such assholes, wanting to leave and go to the arcade. Geeze, where's your boob support huh? Do you not like girls with nice racks, do you want woman dying? Except Evan, all of you guys like boobs. Now get your head out of your asses and show some love." There was murmured apologies. "All for the arcade which we can go to anytime. But fine. Take the bus and leave. I can walk anywhere in this city." They all stayed put and Evelyn gave a firm nod. "I thought so."
"Alright, cool…" Ryder fell quiet and flushed when Evelyn started talking about boobs. Very straightforward, isn't she? He fidgeted a bit and looked around awkwardly while he waited for her to finish. When she did, he looked up at her again. "Um… should… should we go do the tye dye thing now?" He asked.
"Honey you haven't even finished your food. Eat up first." She took a few more bites as she looked around, watching the punks around her, giving waves to people she knew with a smile. Evelyn had the type of smile that made other people smile. She wasn't charming at all, but she did know how to brighten up peoples day.
"Alright, alright…" Ryder soon finished eating and threw away his trash on the nearest trash can. "You ready to go now, Evelyn?" He asked, looking over at Evelyn once he'd returned. "I think I see the booth right over there…"
"Yeah sure let's go." She got up as the rest of her band stood up to go do their own thing. She sat right down at the tye dye and got to work after putting on the gloves,humming a bit to herself as she listened to the instructions.
Ryder watched her closely to figure out what he should be doing and listened to the instructions. After he was mostly sure that he knew what to do, he grabbed a shirt, tied it up, and started to tye dye it.
Evelyn just spread pink all over it at random. She used multiple shades though, and sometimes she'd "flap" her hands out of excitement,or she'd dance. Sway her hips back and forth. Little excitement stims due to her Asperger's.
Ryder hummed softly to himself while he worked, not paying much mind to Evelyn due to how hyper focused he was on the task at hand. He'd never done this before, so he wanted to make sure he was doing it right. Soon, he finished up and waited for his shirt to dry.
Evelyn smiled and as she finished her hand went down and smacked into his a few times. (Time for low key flirting!) She thought nothing of it as she walked off,him beside her,her hand next to his. "They'll call our names since we put name stickers on our shirts, over the speaker. So. Anyways. Whaddya wanna do now?" Her hand continued to smack into his.
Ryder flushed a bit as Evelyn kept bumping him, not quite sure what to do. He decided to just ignore it for now. "Um… w-well… this is a fair of sorts, right? I assume there's rides or something? Maybe we can find something over there…"
She grabbed his hand at the word rides and dragged him off. It was just more food trucks and some dumb little games. "Oh booooring. Not even a rollercoaster! I wanted to watch you scream." She winked and giggled, not letting go of his hand as she knitted their fingers together.
Ryder flushed harder when Evelyn took his hand, and more at her comment about him screaming. "I've been on a rollercoaster before… I would've been perfectly fine." He still had no idea what to do, naturally. He didn't want to be rude by pulling his hand away, of course, but Evelyn was making him a bit flustered and nervous.
"Well whaddya wanna do?" She squeezed his hand a bit as she looked at him with a smile. A rather bright smile, the kind that made whole crowds of people smile. She wasn't charming as more annoying one would say.
"Um… anything is fine with me, honestly. You're probably a lot more familiar with this stuff than I am." Ryder looked around curiously, humming something softly to himself while he did so. "What's your favorite thing to do at fairs like this?"
"This isn't a fair,more a charity event. Giving back to those who need it. I'm a huge supporter of places like this. Hate the crowds they attract though. I guess we could do some crafts." (I'm basing all of those off my one memory when I did a volunteer event like this for girl scouts in 4th grade so just an FYI)
(Lmao mood)
"Alright. I like charity events as well… I definitely agree on the crowds, though. People tend to start fighting and it's just a mess." Ryder sighed softly and followed Evelyn around like a lost puppy. "What kind of crafts do they have?"
"Well they have a blanket making table? Weird. A necklace making table, and then one for drawing stuff." There were 6 craft tables, as Evelyn looked around. "Anything you wanna do?"
"Well, I've never been good at drawing, so probably not that one." Ryder glanced around curiously to see his options. "Um… necklaces maybe? That doesn't seem to be too hard…"
(ahck I was hoping you'd come up with some interesting stuffs. Oh well) "Sure!" She gripped his hand tightly and dragged him off to the craft table, that annoying smile on her face still planted on her face. (me,trash my characters? nooooooo)