@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events
He was gone in a flash of black, but Valiel could see him behind a tree a little ways off.
She considered, for a moment, and decided to leave it alone. He was obviously in distress, and she didn't need to know. It would be pure nosiness at this point.
"Well… thank you, De'Tearion." She called softly. She was grateful he'd been so kind in that one respect.
"The pup is here, if you're still hungry. I, uh…. I'll continue on my way, now…"
She turned from the whole scene, feeling awkward, but it wasn't hers to worry about.
He didn't like her, that he'd been clear about, and his kindness had been out of a mistake. There was no reason for her to stick around and make him feel worse.
She shifted to the panther form she'd been in when he first saw her, leap up into a tree, and ran aong the branches, before leaping to another branch, and moved through the forest that way. Away from him and the whole uncomfortable scenario.