forum Elk wars: new blood
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people_alt 58 followers

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“No babe. I could hear the kids until you picked me up, I had to hurry to find this body..”

Deleted user

“ brain stem. “ she said simply. “You kinked it..”

Deleted user

Hiro jumped up, racing to the sound and growling hellishly

@Frost-bite-is-with-nyx group

Silver looked around for that cause of the broken window
Flashback a couple seconds
Zero shot up at the sound of glass breaking and hopped off the top bunk and sat Infront of the door to stop anything from entering

@Frost-bite-is-with-nyx group

Zero opened the door about the time that happened Silver found a ticking bomb that had been wired somewhat correctly ready to blow so he picked it up and tossed it only for shrapnel to go into his right shoulder doing minimal damage to the house

Deleted user

“Yes papa.” She said and went into the kitchen.
Hiro sat at silvers feet and whined