Lucas was sure it wouldn't work, but by some power it had. He smiled truhumpemtly and let out a long happy sigh. "Well at least I have some kinda dream power." He joked as his eyes came back to Atla. The drizzle starting to frizz his hair, though he really didn't mind. After all, he did enjoy the rain. no matter how light.
Atla let out a laugh, normal by all intents and purposes, if slightly musical, that ended with a small snort. "You do! Try changing something else now, like the area, or adding in someone you know. Smaller steps, but hopefully they'll help you get to whatever you need to head back."
Lucas thought hard for another few seconds. His face scrunched up as he tried to bring his cat Into this dream land. "Who's to say I want to get back to where ever I'm ment to be?" He opened his eyes and gave her a slight smile. "After all, it'd be nice to have someone to talk to."
Atla blinked in surprise, a smile tugging at her lips as she tried to keep the small spark of hope in her chest from growing. Gods, she was so lonely here. "Wouldn't most people want to get back to their own minds?" She asked, tilting her head as she looked at him. It took a few moments, but with a small 'pop', Lucas's cat appeared at his feet.
"You said it yourself, dreaming is lonely. And quiet frankly I don't want to end up in a nightmare. Its a fifty fifty (50) shot." Lucas gave his own smile, which only grew at the sight of his cat. He quickly scooped the white and gray puff ball up and held her out to Atla. "Are you a cat or dog person?"
“I’m not…sure?” Atla said, tilting her head as she eyed the cat. After a moment, she reached out, scratching behind the cat’s ears gently. “Cats are nice. I think dogs….dogs are a no. Sharp teeth.”
(Oof sorry I've been gone so long- also, would you mind if I dropped this one? This is a freaking wonderful idea, and I love it! But I took a chance on a topic I'm not to good at? If this had been with someone else I would habe totally stalked it. Heck, if you do decide to pick this idea up with someone new I would love to see where it goes, and how y'all unravel the story. Again, I'm so so so very sorry. And I hope you don't mind.)
((Nah dude, it’s totally cool and I get it! I might just do that, as I’ve got a few people in mind.))