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Don't you want devoted followers?
Who leave their families for you
Give their money to you
Give their bodies to you
Give up their lives for you
Consider you God, and will kill for you?
Don't you want to become a cult leader?
Since the death of God there has been a vacancy open
You could fill that void, here is how…
Basically, a group of people escape their Lovecraftian levels of bullshit cult for a better life. But the Cult of Eternity has its ways of finding people, some say magical ways. So the group must find a way to destroy the cult, lest they themselves be destroyed too.
Idk just an average magical cult story that actually considers how cults work and tries to apply those themes, albeit somewhat haphazardly but better than ignoring them entirely.
No smut, don't swear every other word, and no explicit rape or suicide. Themes of those are fine. Have fun. I'll post a template when someone joins.